Premier Membership FAQ (Questions Only Please)



  • JumbotronJumbotron Posts: 163

    PixelSploiting said:

    Upgrading and I do not have any option for setting up PayPal as my prefered payment method.


    This is an excerpt from the Premier FAQ, at the bottom of this page. I'm not sure if this info may relate to what you're experiencing, though.

    How do I update my Premier of Daz+ subscription payment information?

    To update the payment method on your account, you will need to cancel the current membership and repurchase the membership with your new payment method, or it will renew to the original payment method. If your original payment method has expired or there are insufficient funds, the membership will decline.Head to your Daz 3D account page for more details.

    Please be sure your membership is tied to your choice of payment method to avoid missing your Premier or Daz+ benefits. Purchases can be made with Discover, American Express, VISA, Mastercard, Paypal, Daz Gift Cards, or Daz store credit.

    If you are paying via PayPal, you cancel your PayPal Subscription as well. If you do not cancel the membership on both PayPal and Daz 3D, the membership will be renewed and can not be refunded. Please see article below on how to cancel the Premier or Daz+ membership on PayPal: PayPal FAQ


  • I'm on a fixed income and can't afford the Premier Membership, I also don't see the value in it as the only thing I would want is AIKO 9 ANIME. Will she always be behind that paywall of $18.98 a month which adds up to $239.76 a year?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    JohnDelaquiox said:

    I'm on a fixed income and can't afford the Premier Membership, I also don't see the value in it as the only thing I would want is AIKO 9 ANIME. Will she always be behind that paywall of $18.98 a month which adds up to $239.76 a year?

    You'd probably want the Vicky 9 Character Bundle with your DAZ Originals Character Bundle coupon that you get with the Premier Subscription so that you have more flexibility on how to use the bonus Aiko 9 Anime content.


  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012
    edited October 2024

    Elliandra said:

    5. What is the exclusive Premier Only content mentioned on the Premier page that is only available while you have an active Subscription?

    • With each Character Bundle release (2-3 per month) there will be exclusive content that will be auto-added to the accounts of Premier members at that time.  You can keep and use this content for as long as you have an active premier membership.
    • Examples would be Aiko 9 and Dark Elf Shape for Vicky 9.
    • Content that is removed due to letting a Premier subscription lapse is not guaranteed to be available on reinstating the membership at a later time.
    • We currently do not plan to offer Add-on Licenses to the exclusive content. (3D Printing, Interactive etc.)

    This answers my question regarding Dark Elf Shape for Vicky 9, thank you.

    I now have a different question related to this topic: when I looked at my library a day or two ago on the site, I saw that all products from Genesis 9 Essential Shapes Bundle and the bundle itself were now manually added to my account, with no mention about the fact that I bought the bundle in July 23.

    If exclusive content is not guaranteed to be there after a lapse in subscription, exclusive content that is also manually added to my library, the way I understand it is that Daz will remove manually added content from the library once a Premier subscription lapse then will add it back once a subscription is active again, but will be unable to do so for the content that was available only during a limited time window (like the Dark Elf Shape).

    I know we are suppose to keep whatever content we got with our memberships that can be bought by non Premier members, but as an example, when Daz manually added all these products with the launch of Daz 4.23, the ones I already had didn't have their status changed: I can still see the order number and the order date in my library.

    Question: if my subscription lapse, will Genesis 9 Essential Shapes Bundle and its content revert back to its previous state as a product I bought, with an order number and a date on its page in my library ? Or will I have to open a ticket to get them reinstated in my library (potentially having to do so each time I would decide to stop my Premier Subscription) ?

    Post edited by Elor on
  • Is there going to be a way to buy the interactive licence for vicky 9 dark elf and aiko 9?


    Also do we keep the rights to distribute derieved content of them after the premiere expries? (This is for non-interactive content since there isn't a way to get the interactive license for now)

    Let's say I make a 2D video featuring aiko 9. Do I get to sell that video, even after my premiere expires?

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    Morning All!
    Apologies on the late reply I had all this done yesterday and forgot to actually post it *smacks her head on her desk* That'll teach me to try and post before my second cup of coffee surprise

    @WendyLuvsCatz Are PostGreSQL and Smart Content required for using the premier plug-ins?

    • Since this concerns the PostGreSQL script which is part of the Core Daz Studio they would like to have a support ticket opened for this please.

    @Elor Will Premier members who sub and get their exclusive items then have to drop the membership for a little bit but then re-subscribe still have access to their previous exclusive items?

    • Content that is removed due to letting a Premier subscription lapse is not guaranteed to be available on reinstating the membership at a later time. 

    Daz+ FAQ says Store Credit can be used for membership. Premier is not offering that option is it still valid for memberships?

    • We may add that in the future, but have chosen not to implement it for now.

    I have the Genesis 9 Starter Essentials Bundle already but it got added to my account again. What happens if I let the Premier Subscription lapse?

    • Content that is purchased remains yours regardless of your premier membership.

    @Togire Is there an expiration date on the convert Daz+ to Premier membership offers?

    • It is a limited time offer.

    @Tophs Do the Character bundles stay in the "Premier Characters" category or change out monthly?

    • The selection of characters that are available for use with the free bundle coupon monthly will change out constantly, but new character bundles are planned to always be included during their launch period.

    I have no auto-fit G8 to G9 showing for my G8 Outfit.

    • The update to add Genesis 8 to Genesis 9 support for Auto-Fit was done recently in the last couple of updates and is part of the Base Daz Studio.

    Does Daz PBR Shader work on earlier versions of Genesis?

    • PBRSkin is a Shader so can work on any surface you just need to select the surfaces you want it applied to in the Surface Pane and then use the Base Shader on them. If you hold down CTRL/CMD while double clicking to apply the shader base it will give you an option to ignore the maps of the surfaces selected which will help in getting them to look really nice.

    What for example are some of the items in the "Free exclusive content"?

    • Vicky 9 Dark Elf and Aiko 9 are the two current Exclusive Content for Premier.

    @PixelSploiting Can I not use PayPal for the Premier Membership? I have no option showing PayPal as a preferred payment method.

    • I will let the team know about this as as far as I know it should be available for use.

    @BurstAngel Will there be an eventual opportunity to purchase Aiko 9 and other characters exclusive to Premier?

    • There may be in the future but as of right now it not planned.

    @Xellosz The only way to get Premier and Daz+ is to have 2 accounts but that is rarely allowed.

    @Sylvan Premier Content has been set up so that you can sort it like you can the Licenses. Please see the Main FAQ on Page 1 / Premier Content question 16 for the link on how to do this!

    @tempstudiogames Additional Licenses - 3D Printing or Interactive for Premier Exclusive Content.

    • We currently do not plan to offer add-on licenses to the exclusive content.
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited October 2024

    If I use Aiko 9 (which is a free Premier exclusive item) when I create a custom dial spin character will the character I create still be useable if my Premier membership lapses?

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • XelloszXellosz Posts: 843

    @Xellosz The only way to get Premier and Daz+ is to have 2 accounts but that is rarely allowed.

    @Elliandra Where can I read more about??? It must be part of ToS or a written document that clearly states how and when it's allowed or not allowed.

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    @Charlie Judge Aiko 9 Shape will not be available if your membership is not current.

    @Xellosz It's done on a case by case basis and would need upper management approval. You would need to file a ticket and ask about it there to proceed. I will warn you it is seriously rare that they let anyone have more than one account though.

  • Charlie Judge said:

    If I use Aiko 9 (which is a free Premier exclusive item) when I create a custom dial spin character will the character I create still be useable if my Premier membership lapses?

    It will lack the cotnribution from Aiko 9, but the rest will work.

  • XelloszXellosz Posts: 843

    Elliandra said:

    @Charlie Judge Aiko 9 Shape will not be available if your membership is not current.

    @Xellosz It's done on a case by case basis and would need upper management approval. You would need to file a ticket and ask about it there to proceed. I will warn you it is seriously rare that they let anyone have more than one account though.

    Then it is not worth the trouble. I'll spend those extra $ $ $ on Cyber Friday or some good deals. Thx for the answer. 

  • XelloszXellosz Posts: 843


    When you are checking out there is a line for DAZ+ in the cart:

    "Welcome Daz+ Member  You're Saving: $X.XX"

    Put there one more line, so we know how much we are missing without premier:

    "If you were a Premier member you would be saving: $Y.YY"

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I had thought I read that DAZ AI Generation was included with the Premier subscript but I was wrong I think.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    nonesuch00 said:

    I had thought I read that DAZ AI Generation was included with the Premier subscript but I was wrong I think.

    I just inquired about it and no it's not included.

  • I have a question about  Pose Converter and Shape Transfer.

    1. I sign up DAZ Premier Membership.

    2. I convert pose.

    3. I transfer shape.

    4. I stop DAZ Premier Membership.
    After stopping DAZ Premier Membership, can I use converted pose or transfered shapw?

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    @automaticcolors Memberships are per month so if you stop your membership you should still have the rest of the month with access to the plug-ins.

  • automaticcolors said:

    I have a question about  Pose Converter and Shape Transfer.

    1. I sign up DAZ Premier Membership.

    2. I convert pose.

    3. I transfer shape.

    4. I stop DAZ Premier Membership.
    After stopping DAZ Premier Membership, can I use converted pose or transfered shapw?

    The end results are not tied  to the subscription, so you can use the transferred shapes or poses even if the membership lapses. Geometry Sculptor can leave a modifier in place, and if so that modifier does depend on ana ctive subscription (but if you bake the results to a morph that wouldn't be the case); similarly a stored render queue (if they can be stored) would work only while the subscription lasted, but any rendersalready done with it would not and you could still render the scenes normally or using another queue script or plug-in.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317
    edited October 2024

    I opened DIM today showing an order date of 23 Apr 2016 and found 4 files each for:

    Premiere - dForce Manager for DAZ Studio 4.23+ (Win 64-bit) and Private Build +BETA and Public Build +BETA+ and Publishing Build +BETA+

    Premiere - Geometry Sculpture for DAZ Studio 4.23+ (Win 64-bit) and Private Build +BETA and Public Build +BETA+ and Publishing Build +BETA+

    Premiere - Pose Converter for DAZ Studio 4.23+ (Win 64-bit) and Private Build +BETA and Public Build +BETA+ and Publishing Build +BETA+

    Premiere - Render Queue for DAZ Studio 4.23+ (Win 64-bit) and Private Build +BETA and Public Build +BETA+ and Publishing Build +BETA+

    Premiere - Shape Transfer for DAZ Studio 4.23+ (Win 64-bit) and Private Build +BETA and Public Build +BETA+ and Publishing Build +BETA+

    While I have updated to D|S and on my computers (except the MacBook Pro M1) I did not change my DAZ+ membership to Premiere. So why do I have these available downloads? My current DAZ+ membership is good till Sept 2025.

    And for what is worth, I do own the plug-ins except Render Queue as I found I couldn't use it on my machines. I was planning to buy Mesh Grabber 4 though to update my current version.

    So, what are these for and what is the impact on my versions of Daz Studio if I either install or do not install?


    (I just realized that 'order date' was when I first joined Daz.)

    Post edited by memcneil70 on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Same here.  This is kinda crazy.  What's all this about??  Are they just expecting us to give in and get Premier so we are urged to install all of these "just in case"? 


    Premier Stuff.jpg
    901 x 647 - 303K
  • I've already asked support to remove them from my account, so we'll see where that goes...

  • They seem to have beena dded in error, and would not have done any good for those without the relevant version of Daz Studio. They have been/will be removed.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Thanks so much Richard!

  • thanks Elliandra Richard Haseltine

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    Thank you Richard, I opened DIM on another computer this morning and all gone.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Same here! Thank you Richard!

  • If I upgrade to Premier, create a project using Premier Exclusive Tools and then later downgrade back to a Daz+ membership, will my projects, created in Studio Premiere, open and be editable in Daz Studio +?

  • shadowfire87 said:

    If I upgrade to Premier, create a project using Premier Exclusive Tools and then later downgrade back to a Daz+ membership, will my projects, created in Studio Premiere, open and be editable in Daz Studio +?

    If you mean tols as in plug-ins then the only one that can leave a relic in the scene is Geometry Sculptor (ne Mesh Grabber) which can create a live modifier which can be saved in the scene and adjusted later, but it can also be turned into a moprh that will work without the plug-in. Render Queue obviosuly needs the plug-in to process a queue, but you could still do renders of single frames or images sequences without it (or use another queue manager). The others just create things and are done, their output (converted shapes or poses) does not depend on the plug-ins to work.

    Content will fail to load; so far it has all been shapes so if a shape was used in a character you would lose its contribution but you would otherwise still have the character.

  • Richard Haseltine said:Content will fail to load; so far it has all been shapes so if a shape was used in a character you would lose its contribution but you would otherwise still have the character.

    Pretty much makes any character created with it useless without premier 

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    shadowfire87 said:

    If I upgrade to Premier, create a project using Premier Exclusive Tools and then later downgrade back to a Daz+ membership, will my projects, created in Studio Premiere, open and be editable in Daz Studio +?

    If you mean tols as in plug-ins then the only one that can leave a relic in the scene is Geometry Sculptor (ne Mesh Grabber) which can create a live modifier which can be saved in the scene and adjusted later, but it can also be turned into a moprh that will work without the plug-in. Render Queue obviosuly needs the plug-in to process a queue, but you could still do renders of single frames or images sequences without it (or use another queue manager). The others just create things and are done, their output (converted shapes or poses) does not depend on the plug-ins to work.

    Content will fail to load; so far it has all been shapes so if a shape was used in a character you would lose its contribution but you would otherwise still have the character.

    AIko 9 has textures, so if the textures are used in a character and the files are removed when the subscription ends, those too will cause errors 

  • TesseractSpace said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    shadowfire87 said:

    If I upgrade to Premier, create a project using Premier Exclusive Tools and then later downgrade back to a Daz+ membership, will my projects, created in Studio Premiere, open and be editable in Daz Studio +?

    If you mean tols as in plug-ins then the only one that can leave a relic in the scene is Geometry Sculptor (ne Mesh Grabber) which can create a live modifier which can be saved in the scene and adjusted later, but it can also be turned into a moprh that will work without the plug-in. Render Queue obviosuly needs the plug-in to process a queue, but you could still do renders of single frames or images sequences without it (or use another queue manager). The others just create things and are done, their output (converted shapes or poses) does not depend on the plug-ins to work.

    Content will fail to load; so far it has all been shapes so if a shape was used in a character you would lose its contribution but you would otherwise still have the character.

    AIko 9 has textures, so if the textures are used in a character and the files are removed when the subscription ends, those too will cause errors 

    No, though the license to use them will have expired. Textures do not get encrypted.

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