Unable to upgrade to Daz Premier from Daz Plus

Anyone else having problems. I am unable to update my address which is asked for in a dialogue box as the system just does not advance. Also appears there is now no way to cancel Daz Plus membership if I wanted to. Only an option to autorenew.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
An option to cancel should appear if you set it to autorenew, otherwise there's nothing to cancel.
Regarding the address, maybe try updating it in the "address book" in your account first? https://www.daz3d.com/customer/address
Thanks for your reply. When I select auto renew I have no cancel option.
Also I did try updating in addess book but same dialogue box and unable to proceed. My address didn't need updating as it's correct.
For the record, when it appears the "cancel" button is located under the tile for "base" membership, not under the one for DAZ+ (I don't find it logical at all, but that's how it is...)
Thank you. But it is not located there, or anywhere I can see.
I don't think your membership is currently set to auto-renew, which would be why there's no cancel button.
Moved to the Commons as it is not a Daz Studio application topic.
Will end in 2021? I think soemthing is very off there.
I haven't been able to upgrade either. Period. I finally got a message saying I had an upgrade offer but when I click that, nothing happens. Really wish they would work these kinks out before dropping it on everyone. I was a software dev manager for commercial doc manangement and case management system for courts across the country and these new things at Daz seem to come out without any internal testing. I'm sure that's not the case but that is how it appears. Maybe they'll get it working before the sale ends, but I'm beginning to have doubts.
If you try using this URL does it show the offer? https://www.daz3d.com/subscription/membership/offer
In my case, it doesn't. It goes to the membership page, with a button allegedly linking to my offer that goes back to the membership page in a weird loop.
(Sorry for the hijack, I just noticed this.)
No. It just reloads the same page.
^Exactly the same problem here.
I also had that broken "view premier offer" button, then I had the idea to click on "autorenew", then "continue", and after that the page reloaded and the cancel membership appeared on base tier, clicking on the "view premier offer" had worked! And then my not used $6 coupons had been replaced by $10 ones… but no matter!
Now I only need to wait until that fabulous 30% off gift card return (it was on the first day of premier sales, in case you wonder).
Edit: "Change payment method" to Paypal also work now.
I just looked at my account information as, I had not in a few days. It now has the "View Your Offer" button on my membership page, but it doesn't respond upon clicking. As my membership expires in June of 2030, they may have difficulty giving me anything approaching a fair deal, but who knows? Unless and until that button works, I certainly won't, eh?
Thank you! This worked for me too!
I don't even have an autorenew option and I am stuck in a perpetual loop between the membership choices option screen and the sign up screen. I just am not able to sign up for Daz Plus.
Same here, I filed a ticket, so waiting for an answer.
We'll report it once they are in office today.
So was this resolved somehow? Cuz I recently upgraded from Plus to Premier and as you can see in below (screenshotted) it is set as Daz Premier, yet for some reason when I attempt to access one of them it just sends me back to the membership thing like I still need to upgrade.
What coupons do you have access to on that page ?
If you have three, your Premier membership is active.
I have 3, but none of the Premier things are working. I try to use the character bundle code, says it's invalid, try to upgrade the Daz Studio, says "Click here to upgrade" and it brings me back to that page. Same thing for the AI thing. It's like I have it, yet not.
So, I got the character bundle code to work, seems I accidently put one of the parts of the bundle into my kart instead. Though I do need to ask, do you only get access to the "AI Free" With a Premier membership? or do you have to also subscribe to get the AI Premium?
I don't use AI so I don't know.
I have tried the free Daz AI once in a while, and I don't think the paid version is connected to Premier.
But if you are interested in AI, you might look at alternatives outside Daz. Daz AI seems very limited, and there has yo my knowledge noy been done any upgrades since it was introduced.
Too be honest, I mostly want the Daz AI one to help me with what I've purchased on Daz. I don't really need one that pulls in from other sources so I don't have to worry about plagiarism or what not.
You only get access to the free AI Studio with DAZ Premium. It seems that AI studio is a bit limited as far as what DAZ content can be used. I would suggest you read through the posts in the Daz AI Studio forum to make sure you would be getting what you are expecting and/or hoping for. You might want to ask a few questions while you are there as well, to make sure it would meet your expectations.
allright, thanks I'll look into it more.