Collision Detection - A more smart collsion detection would be good

Well collision detection is a good thing but it should be much smarter than it is right now.
Right now I can choose the collision item but that works not well because if I need collision for a shirt for G3F for example (chest area) I have to sellect the whole figure to make it work, but then I get problems with the upper arms, if the arms are bend down straight to the body because the arms also effects the collision detection and bends the shirt into the body.
Another example. I need the collision detection for pants or panties. I must select the whole figure but then also hands and fingers effects the collision detection of the pants and the pents get some unwanted bendings if I make a pose with hands on the hips for example.
It would be good if we could deselct bodyparts like arms (upper and lower) and hands (complete with fingers) for example.
I second this suggestion!
I was asking about collision one time a long while back and if I remember correctly, someone said that figures used to be set up that way where they had different "collision zones". I can't remember if they gave a reason why they removed it, but I think it caused too many problems or something.