HD leg, Arm, Torso pressure morphs G8M/F, G9

Since normies don't get access to make HD morphs ourselves, I'd like an all in 1 package of HD pressure morphs along arms, legs and torso for gen8 male and female and gen 9. Trying to find a pressure morph for gloves or stockings that didn't come with one is anoying so I just want a set of morphs that go all the way up arms and legs, both genders, without also deforming other areas as some HD morphs do.
Send you a PM ;-)
Err, I'm also interested in this.
Also looking for the feet pressure morphs from different angles, especially for different type of shoes.
I've just developed an interest in this and started looking. My impetus was G8 outfits or accessories that contain pressure morphs, arms and thighs generally for long gloves or armbands, thighs for hose and such, and I suppose hips for underwear types now that I think about it. So if you happen to be feeling comunicative still, I'd appreciate hearing from you Masterstroke. Perhaps I'll send you a PM?
Without multi-resoltuion morph support plugin for MLP (exclusive for PA...), any way of making HD morphs with dhdm files is again TOS of Daz3D ~~
Well, that makes the sort of sense that isn't. Some clarification might just be useful. Since I don't fathom what a multi-resolution morph support plugin for MLP is (spelling corrected). Nor do I have any knowledge of what a dhdm file might be. 1: Multi-Resolution morph support plugin 2: MLP 3: dhdm file... Please interpret 1, 2, and 3 so that I can at least understand what is exclusive for PAs or against Daz TOS. Thanks. All I know for certain is that there are many items sold on this platform as well as alternatives (gasp!) that contain pressure morphs. It beggars the imagination that all of the sellers on other platforms are PAs here using alternative names, given that the style of the items is quite divergent from what might be found here. Though I can accept the possibility that I could be wrong, I don't claim to be an expert in the field. I can simply recognize stylistic commonalities.
Support for loading HD morphs, which work on the extra vertices created by SubD (the smoothing/resolution-increasing technology) as well as morphs for the base mesh, which cannot carry as much detail
Morph Loader Pro
.dhdm - Daz HD Morph, the files used for saving HD morphs.
Okay ~
0: With Multi-Resolution Morph Support plugin (exclusive to PAs, "HD plugin"), one can import morphs with SubD, aka HD morphs by using Morph Loader Pro (MLP). As users, we only can import morphs with Base Resolution.
1: After saving Morph Asset of imported HD morph, a *.dhdm file (Daz HD Morph file) is generated and saved in the data folder where the Morph Asset file (*.dsf) locates.
2: There're two types of "pressure morphs", HD and non-HD. If you can find a dhdm file in the data folder of the pressure morph dsf file, it's the former otherwise it's the latter.
My PA friends told me they signed NDA with Daz3D for using HD plugin and they can only sell products with HD morphs in this store rather than other 3rd-party stores. If you see there're dhdm files in some products from those sites, the vendors might've use DS 4.6 + HD plugin... because someone ever leaked HD plugin years ago... but only for DS 4.6 version...
Then some guy developed plugins for Blender / ZBrush by using techs. of reverse engineering. The plugins can import HD morphs and generate dhdm files. Using the plugins is against TOS DAZ STUDIO License (EULA) in here, AFAIK.
It is against the Daz Studio license.
Right ! DS EULA ~
Because I can tell, from promo images, what may or may not be in a file, really? I'd hate to be accused of "improper conduct" again, but my expertise doesn't extend to discerning the contents of a file from an image. It is a great pity that I cannot transfer what to my eyes are perfectly good morphs from one figure to another for "reasons". It certainly feels like there might be an unsatisfied need for such a thing, I myself have expressed it. But obviously, my needs and opinions don't count for much. I certainly will be far more circumspect about asking harmless questions or asking for help generally in these forums. The heavens tremble that I should fall astray of something nebulous and ill-defined. I'll also think twice about offering any help or advice, lest it be taken poorly. It's not as if I'm a master of this software - despite using it sporadically for over a decade I do so rarely, but I'm not unskilled in ancillary matters that may have been useful to someone. Alas.