Solved with How-To Workflow - How do I get a less blurry/pixelated Filament/Filatoon render?

andolaurinaandolaurina Posts: 673
edited October 2024 in The Commons


For those who are getting blurry/pixelated Filament/Filatoon renders or simply don't know how to render in Filament/Filatoon, here's a workflow based on comments in this thread and other threads to me:

(Step 0 - Make sure you've upgraded to DAZ Studio 4.23 Regular or Premier)

1. In the viewport (the main area where your models go), choose the view to be Filament. It kind of looks like a weird lightbulb. This is a drop-down box at the top of the viewport, left of the camera settings.

2. From the menu bar at the top of DAZ Studio (Where it says, "File Edit Create Tools Render, etc.", choose Edit > Preferences > Interface and then make your settings similar to these:

   Under OpenGL...

   Per Pixel Shading > Off

   Hardware Anti-Aliasing > On

   Display Optimization > Best

   Backface Lighting > On

   Texture Resources > Quality MAX

    Pixel Buffer > Off

    Layered Textures > Compression Low (instead of Speed/Size)

    Multi-Threading > On

3. From the Menu Bar, choose Create > New Filament Draw Options Node... (at bottom).  A pop-up will appear. You don't have to change anything. Click OK. This creates a new Filament render node in your scene.

4. Click on the new "Filament Draw Options" node on your Scene tab. Then, go to your Parameters tab.

5. On the Parameters tab, choose "Color Grading" and then change "Color Grading Quality" to "Ultra".

6. On the Parameters tab, choose "Anti-Aliasing" and then change "MSAA Sample Count" to something like 75 or greater. I maxed it out at 255.

7. Click on the "Render Settings" tab. Change the "Engine" to "Viewport." Make sure your render dimensions are 2-3 times greater than your desired final image size. Viewport does not render well at all at low resolution dimensions. As @3Diva and @crosswind stated, make sure you are at least 1920 or 1980 for the smallest side of your render.

8. Click render. Save to desired location.

You can change the shaders for the 3D objects in your scene so that they are Filament/Filatoon friendly by going to your Content Library tab. Choose the "Shader Presets" folder and then the "Filatoon" folder. More Genesis 9 specific settings are under People > Genesis 9 Toon > Materials > Daz Originals

Thanks for the help from @Crosswind @3Diva and everyone else! Please feel to improve/add/correct anything I've typed.


Original Post:

I'm a total noob to Filament, so please pardon the elementary troubleshooting, but hopefully this will help someone else, too.

I can't figure out why I'm getting a lousy render of the new Genesis 9 Toon figure. It's blurry/pixelated. Or is that just as good as it gets? I'm mentally comparing this to what you can get through Poser on the cartoon setting with OpenGL render and Poser is clearer. See attached render (I'm using DAZ Studio Premier vs Regular DAZ Studio, if that makes a difference).

I'm trying to render with Filament...

1. I have Filament displayed as the DrawStyle in the View.

2. Render Engine Settings > Viewport  

3. Menu Bar > Edit > Preferences > Interface


   Per Pixel Shading > Off

   Hardware Anti-Aliasing > On

   Display Optimization > Best

   Backface Lighting > On

   Texture Resources > Quality MAX

    Pixel Buffer > Off

    Layered Textures > Compression Low (instead of Speed/Size)

    Multi-Threading > On

(Current Hardware Feeatures: Hardware NVDIA GeeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2)

Render dimensions - same as active viewport

Thanks for the help.

filament opengl test.png
604 x 767 - 629K
Post edited by andolaurina on


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    What is a DS Premier render?

  • andolaurinaandolaurina Posts: 673
    edited October 2024

    Daz Studio Premier

    I took that out of the post title because rendering should be the same in regular Daz Studio and Daz Studio Premier.

    Post edited by andolaurina on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2024

    The settings in your Pref. are fine. Then a couple of suggestions:

    - render with big Pixel Size: at least 1920. Small size brings you blurry result. Then resize it if you want to have small size image.
    - in Fila Draw Option: set Color Grading to Ultra, MSAA Sample Count to 15

    Then try new renders to see if it's improved. The attached example was rendered with the above settings, then resized to 50%.

    960 x 960 - 1M
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    This is some very good advice.

  • andolaurinaandolaurina Posts: 673
    edited October 2024

    @crosswind - That definitely helped. Thank you! I'm updating the OP with a how-to based on your tips and @3Diva 's tips.

    Post edited by andolaurina on
  • Here's Vicky 9 with these new settings.

    3840 x 2160 - 5M
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    You're welcome ! Have fun, guys ! yes

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