A hair for G3F

Hello, can one of the PAs please create a hair for G3F that looks like this? The original is Hair 083 by Ali, the morphs for the tail are longer/shorter, wider/narrower, bulg, flat and it has morphs for bendings - side to side, back and forth, and twist and can also posed via rotation transforms additional it also has some messy/fur morphs for the tail and the hair, the parting can be moved and also there are some morphs for the hair-head, volume and others. If someone is willing to create such a hair for G3F please create textures also for 3Delight.
It also has a hairbend that can also be moved via roation transforms up/down, side to side, and twist. In combination with the tail movements you can pose the tail really good.
I know it is a quite simple hair, but it looks good and can be used nearly for every scene.
right now I use the hair as parented prop to the G3F head and it works, but looks not so good fitting as it looks on V4 for which it was created. Fit to is no option because of the tail.
if you want some more images of this hair visit my gallery and have a look at some of the Dixie renders (NEW RELEASES)
And BTW, DIXIE is a V4