Sci Fi Space Ship by David Brinnen is currently a freebie

Past as FuturePast as Future Posts: 194
edited October 2024 in Bryce Discussion

Perhaps you'd like to add it to your library and, of course, make some renders!

Note: I would recommend to import .obj model file without textures first, and then manually apply just the diffuse and opacity* textures on scene objects (perhaps also reduce resolution from 4096x4096 to something smaller). Or, what would be easier, just apply Bryce-native materials of your choice instead.

*as I think there is no good way to use normal, height, metallic, emissive, gloss and specular textures "out of the box". Though I think there are possible ways to adapt them and use - see here for idea.

Post edited by Past as Future on


  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634

    Thanks Past as Future for the info.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Thank you!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Already have it, lovely model !

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821

    Thank you for the info Past as Future.

  • Past as FuturePast as Future Posts: 194
    edited October 2024

    In the page of it in your product library there are different options to download. I haven't checked all of them yet, but I've checked the very first one (which is aimed at DAZ Studio and has files in .DUF and other related formats for use in D|S) and the very last one (that contains an OBJ file).

    For use in Bryce it may seem that OBJ option is easier, however it looks like there are not subobject groups for the model. So you'll be able only to assign one material to the whole model.

    On the other hand, if you use DAZ Studio version of it and then get it into Bryce via Bridge from DAZ Studio (in my case it works if your launch Bryce first, create a box object, send it to DAZ Studio, delete received box in D|S, load the spaceship model, send to Bryce and wait), subobjects are nicely presented. However I would advice to decrease resolution of textures in Runtime folder of the model when placing it into DAZ Studio otherwise it might eat plenty of RAM when transferred into Bryce.

    I'll try to come up with my render attempt later. Meanwhile I'd like to say it's a beautiful model. Thank you David for creating it, thank you ForbiddenWhispers for texturework, and thank you DAZ for making it available among weekly freebies.

    Post edited by Past as Future on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634
    edited October 2024

    Yes Past as Future, the spaceship is a single mesh object. I used it in this night scene by RajRaja.

    Since it is a free download, I don’t think it will go against the Daz rules if anyone shared the object after is textured for Brycers like me who don't use either DS or Poser. However it can be used textured with a single material as I have done here and it still looks awesome. No doubt a beautiful model.


    1114 x 527 - 325K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821

    mermaid - I have not got David's Space Ship (I have several ones, not by him and use them seldom), your render looks beautiful.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Excellent mermaid!

  • Past as FuturePast as Future Posts: 194
    edited October 2024

    mermaid010 said:

    Since it is a free download, I don’t think it will go against the Daz rules if anyone shared the object after is textured for Brycers like me who don't use either DS or Poser. However it can be used textured with a single material as I have done here and it still looks awesome. No doubt a beautiful model.

     I believe it will not stay free for a long time, as those are usually limited-time freebies (so add it to your library while you can!). Which means we shouldn't do what you said. On a second thought, there are two more download options I haven't explored yet - I will check them and tell about it here.

    The render you've done is pretty nice - and I think that "single material" visualization looks good in context (perhaps mysterious, like maybe those who built this ship used some unknown technology) and a perfect fit for the cityscape at night you've chosen.


    Post edited by Past as Future on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634
    edited October 2024

    Thanks Horo, NGartplay and Past as Future


    Past as Future said:

     I believe it will not stay free for a long time, as those are usually limited-time freebies (so add it to your library while you can!). Which means we shouldn't do what you said. On a second thought, there are two more download options I haven't explored yet - I will check them and tell about it here.

    That statement was due to my ignorance, but like I already said it still looks awesome with one texture. I have it in my product library and will check the other downloads later. Thanks

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,999

    Looks good, Mermaid. But indeed, you cannot retexture it and spread it.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634
    edited October 2024

    Thanks Hansmar, I thought there was some flexibility with freebies. Now I know better.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • So...

    I've checked "UNREAL" option and found Unreal Engine specific file formats there. So, skip that one.

    However, I also tried "FBX" and - to my surprise - it worked for Bryce! For some reason it didn't load textures. But, what's more important, the resulting object in scene, indeed, has subgrpoups. So you can assign materials or textures as you want. 



    1) Use "DS" via DAZ Studio to Bryce Bridge if you want to import model with subgroups and fully textured (I recommend to resize textures into smaller dimensions first).

    2) Use "OBJ" right into Bryce for a simple import - however it will come out as single object only, so you'll have to use just one material for it.

    3) Use "FBX" right into Bryce - it won't load textures but you'll get model subgroups and that gives you flexibility.

    Other download options might be ignored. "PS" is for Poser format (I think it can be opened in DAZ Studio as well), and "UNREAL" is intended for Unreal Engine.

    Hope this helps.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Hi Mary, if I make poses for a figure and I give them to you or someone else, there is no reason why you could not use them in an image with your figure.  I made them and they are free with no restrictions.  The same as if I had put them into the freebie section.,  Do not be afraid to use any poses that I may have made.

  • Yes, in the end it depends on terms set by those who release freebies. I think even on ShareCG it may vary a bit.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634
    edited October 2024

    Thanks Past as Future I'll check out the "FBX"

    Thanks NGartplay for the clarification.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,999

    NGartplay, others,

    I think I might have been too cautious indeed. It depends on the terms and conditions. In many cases, modification of an object will not be allowed and certainly not selling modified objects. I am not sure what the conditions for DAZ items are.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,288

    You can't sell Daz meshes regardless if modified or not unless explicitly stated in the Readme which is very doubtful. You may purchase a license that will allow for it, however.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    frank, please clarify for all that if I make poses and give them to another person to use with their figure to make a render, that that is ok and legal to do.  Thanks

  • Past as FuturePast as Future Posts: 194
    edited October 2024

    Now I've made a render with Sci Fi Space Ship too.

    Funny enough, I went through two tutorials for crafting space theme scene by David Brinnen (thank you very much).  This one and also that one.

    And here's result:

    sci fi space ship scene 1.png
    860 x 860 - 770K
    Post edited by Past as Future on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,160

    Wow Past, that's beautiful.

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Mermaid - Wonderful scene !

    Past as Future - Awesome scene !

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821

    Very nicely done scene Past as Future.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634

    Wow Past as Future fantastic scene, the model is awesome.

    Thanks Bunyip02

  • Thank you all for kind words. And, again, it's all possible thanks to creators of this model.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,999

    Wonderful, Past as Future!

  • Thanks. blush

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