Need help with G9 hair.

in The Commons
I know that if I use hair from a different Genesis, it blows up the size of the saved file unless the hair is first saved as a support asset. That has worked for me EXCEPT when I try to use G9 hair for G8M. Is there something that I need to do differently?
It is not clear what it is you are experiencing.
The reason a scene file can get large, is if you have autofitted items in it, that are not saved after autofitting. An autofitted item is essentially seen as a new item, so all the object data is included in the scene file.
What I often do for G9 hair on G8, is to just position and scale the G9 hair, and then parent to the G8 head. That means the hair is still a G9 hair, and will just be referenced as such.
What @felis said - unless there are no morphs on the hair then autofitting isn't a good idea anyway because all the morphs would be lost. Given that most hairs come with a scalp surface, I usually hide all other surfaces after parenting the hair to the head, which I then use as a guideline to scale/morph the hair to fit as close to the unsupported figure as possible. I usually apply the smoothing modifier after this as well.
IIRC correctly there isn't currently a G9 to G8 hair converter available in the store.
Auto-Fitting does not remove morphs on the hair, however, it'll remove custom Bones... unless one make a Bone Mapping before auto-fitting.
I helped with resolving some hair fitting issue of G9 > G8 for other folks recently and found out that the trick to make auto-fitting G9 hairs really work on G8 while keeping dForce still functional is to: after fitting, further make a Fix Base morph on the root node of the hair by using G8 clone on G9... no matter the hairs are polygonal or SBHs. Then save a Figure Asset.
But still, if the hair has custom bones, do not auto-fit, direct parent it to head node instead. Bone Mapping is too cumbersome ~
It's said that Daz will release enhanced updates for auto-fitting funtion, we're keeping eyes on that ~
Okay, probably... though I personally haven't met such a case so far.
Normally there're two types of "hair shapes", one type is true morph made with hair geometry, which should always work no matter with or without auto-fit; another type is Pose Control whic is ERC linked to Bones or Custom Bones, so if the Custom Bones are gone, they'll stop working ~ The latter case can be frequently seen, in which folks would rather go for direct parenting.