RRRR - Weird Holiday Traditions - Entries Only Thread

This is the entries on thread for the RRRR - Weird Holiday Traditions Render contest.
Please keep it nice and tidy, only entries here. Renders also needs to be posted in the Render Contest Thread with the pull clearly listed.
For an entry, you post your entry Tag (your tag + entry number), Title, description and the image.
Example of an entry:
Tag: Jack#01
My Lovely Easter Tea
Jack always wants his special tea for easter, scented with fermented herring. The rest of the family is not overwhelmed with joy,

1600 x 1280 - 2M
Post edited by Totte on
Tag: Totte#01
The Navy Day Rat Fight
Every morning on the annual Navy Day, the retired fleet commander Sir Monty Winterbottom III and his stepdaughter Angie Winterbottom has a traditional rat fight. A rat fight much like the sailors did during the age of pirates, but today, they are using fake movie prop rats.

Tag: Totte#02
Indy Midsummer Morning
At Midsummer at an abandoned mine in Pajala, north of the arctic circle in Sweden, a group of Indiana Jones fans reenact scenes from the movies while drinking the famous drink Pajala Sunrise*, as the sun never sets in Pajala in the summer.
*Pajala Sunrise: A glass of moonshine with a thick slice of sausage on the glass edge.
Happy Founders Day
Multi-Trillionaire Elron Sputz bought Chicago in order get rid of crime and make its citizens happy, as well as to have a nice lab and resources for his cyborg experiments. Every year he and his citizens joyously celebrate Founders Day. Because they always try to kill him at the end of his speech, Elron comes and leaves quickly on his classic turbo motorbike.
International Vegetable Day
Wally and Becky Masterson always celebrated International Vegetable Day with nothing but fresh raw vegetables and Celery/Carrot nectar. When the holiday coincided with a lovely train trip with their niece and nephew, the children were unhappy with the menu - Georgie wailed about the importance of the food groups, while Livia announced that some people were eating tacos and chili, which also contained vegetables.
Zombie Bert had been wondering for a few years why the humans always dressed like normal people at the end of October and went from house to house. And in return they were given something to eat at every door they rang.
He wanted that too!
This year Bert got his friends together to also go from house to house in normal clothes (apparently everyone has a different idea of what normal clothes are).
And the whole thing was a great success. But the best part was at the Fletchers. There they got 80s tech instead of food.
Bert and his friends do this every year from now on.
Tag: Totte#03
Flat Earth Day
On flat earth day, April 22nd, members of the 11th flat earth rangers battalion have a competition, much like king of the hill. They build a tower from pallets and crates and tries to be the one who can see the edge of the world. As soon as you have placed your item on top, someone will try to toss you down. Try to take out the other team on the way down, as the last team standing on the top, wins.

Tag: Totte#04
Fishing Day
August 31 marks fishing day in the Irish calendar. All families dress up in their finest clothes and then bring a fish, preferable self caught, and meet for the fish slapping festival. Old Ian's mate Jimmy forgot to let his salmon defrost properly before he used it.

St. Stephen’s Day
Being a generous fellow, Santa created the Home For Retired Disgruntled Elves in a unknown and almost inaccessible location. Every year on St. Stephen’s Day he sends Elf Edie with gifts for the boys, like the special Zoom to Santa Tablets.
Retro Day
To help the humans celbrate their heritage every year, the bots, after careful research, always give thier friends a lovely time with recreated clothes, food, and environments from the past.
tag: Brian&Alicia#1
Santa's elf's were working night and day.
over the banging and pounding Santa heard one say.
"i hope we get it done in time... i hope, i pray!
give me the tools, with the nuts and screws!
keep hammering and sawing, we have much to do!
we must get this done, we're running out of time, crew!"
next morning Santa entered the shop with an anxious stroll.
curious what they were doing, he asked egar to know.
the elf's replied, "we were building you a teleportal!"
and this is how Santa delivers the presents in one night, to all the good boys and girls.
final Magic Touch (RRRR challenge entry) | Daz 3D
Guinness Day (Arthur's Day)
Since year 2009, on September 23, Arthur's Day, also called Guinness Day, is celebrated in Ireland and in many places all over the world. People drink Guinness, but some also tries to compete in numerous existing and non existing contest to try to get into the famous Guinness book of records. This year, the O'Lenaghan family decided to win by creating the world's largest model kit.
Qiaolian's Quinquagenarial Celebrations
Qiaolian emerges from cryo-sleep every 50 years to celebrate Family Day with her descendants, as well as to determine if conditions in the world are pleasant enough for her to stay out permanently.
tag:luci45 #6
Liria's Birthday
Every Earth Year Minc and Zinc bring their daughter Liria to Earth for a drink with her grandfather (whose neighbors don't like aliens.)
Tag: acb#02
Astronomy Day
Every Sunday, mother and daughter come together to watch strange things in the universe. This time they observe a weird initiation rite of an alien civilization.
A Spider Ballet
In commemoration of the ending of the Last Great War between human- and spiderkind, the cross species ballet company, En Pointe, presents their annual celebratory performance - a cross between traditional ballet and interpretive dance
Tag: acb#03
The Gummy Bear Competition
Like every year, there's a fair in town for the princess's birthday. And like every year, there's a gummy bear stand - run by three older Asian women. And just before the big fireworks start, they hold a gummy bear competition, as usual. This year, a maid and a pirate competed against each other in the final. The maid won. Apparently, the hook on the pirate's hand is not suitable for shoveling gummy bear material. Excuses - I would say.
The Christmas Pranks
Every Christmas, Edith and Zach Van Der Klotsen pick one item from the other persons wish list and turns it into something different. This year Edith had wished for to spend a day with a tiger.

Title: Are sure this is a safe holiday tradition?
Absolutely! Pin the bow on the dragonling has been a tradition since forever! I wouldn't allow a kid to witness this if it wasn't safe.
And you're absolutely sure that this dragonling is asleep?
Of course! Dragonlings always sleep with their eyes open, don't worry about that. Oh, before you go place the bow, Junior and I are just going to wait about 20 feet over there. Nothing to do with safety, just don't want to cramp your style!
Annual Fire Festival
Torment's acolytes, who had dwindled to two, were not so thrilled by his efforts at the Annual Fire Festival.
"Maybe we try the new guy Astoroth's gig next year"
For his part, Torment said maybe he was getting soft, but he was tired of starting real fires and just got a kick out of getting the rangers excited with his illusions.