Who rendered this?

in The Commons
Looking for the artist who rendered this promo for Tika 8, I'm trying to find out what shader was used for the outfit.

1000 x 1300 - 263K
It has to be these shaders, which I have used on my superhero renders.
I've tried the action shaders, but I haven't been able to recreate the effect seen in the promo.
Could be a shader from this set: https://www.daz3d.com/shinies-shader-presets
this one may also be a possibility https://www.daz3d.com/rubber--iray-shaders
Looks like the silver/black version of the spiderman shader but without the silver webbing on it from the Action Shaders but this is one of the few shader sets I don't have so can't confirm it.
The pattern in the highlighted sections of the cape and bodysuit are way too clear and don't match anything in action shaders. Or any other set I can find so far. I was hoping I could find out who rendered the image and see if they remember which shader set they used or if it was a custom set
Those look like fish scale sequins to me. Not the highest quality promo pic, so it's difficuly to identify which exactly they could be. The blue outfit first character promo of https://www.daz3d.com/dg-iray-sequins-and-scales looks close enough, if it isn't actualy that shader with some alterations.
I tried the sequins and scales shaders, but I'm still not seeing the pattern in the image.
That would require a time traveler, as the image was posted on April 25, 2019 and those shaders weren't released until March 28, 2020.
Possible, but the window is pretty tiny given that these were released less than two months before Tika 8.
Looking over my collection of 900 sets of commercially produced shaders, there are at least a dozen sets produced before the release of Tika t8 hat could have been used... assuming that a shader pack was used at all, and not an actual texture either sold commercially or generated by a program like FIlterForge. If I had to guess a shader, it would more likely be combination of several of the ones that allowed heavy modification of the texture like LilFlames Shinyscales (released on Rendo in June 2014), EdArt3D's multi-volume series of Iray PBR Pro SciFi Shaders (Vol 1 released on Rendo on October 21, 2016). And this, of course, doesntt take into account the possibility that it could have been a freebie set of shaders or something that was put out by a vendor on a site that's no longer in business.