Freak 9???

in The Commons
for Movember, is there any making for The Freak 9 in the future??
Here are some of the images.:
I tried to morph him for my early Movember. so i want him to buff and muscleman like the previous freak versions
and here are some of the stock images that i found in Freepik
i hope your understand.
I think DAZ tried to rebrand him as "Brute 8." And there were were at least 4 other big, but different, muscular guys to choose from as well -- Vladimir 8, Scar 8, Kjaer 8, and Dain 8. Of these, Dain 9 has returned.
I've seen Thimor 9 (regular and giant) get used like Freak.
Ghengis Khan 9 also gets regularly used as a stocky strongman. But he's very well made, so it's understandable.
I think the Gianni's were supposed to be Freak replacements as well, but they were just beefy hunks. So between Freak and "buff Michael" category.