Illumberella for 3Delight and Iray [Commercial]

Illumberella for 3Delight and Iray
Dance, deflect bullets, light a dark path, fly, sail away, and create an intimate soft-lit space for your characters with Illumberella. This illuminated umbrella for 3Delight and Iray is a SmartProp that emits light and has many materials that work like stained glass. Smart Propped Poses are included.
Whether you are working with Iray, 3Delight, Genesis 3 Male, or Genesis 3 Female you will find a multitude of options, variety, ease of use, and great renders.
Instructions and tips are included in the ReadMe
My brother (Marshian2) and I would love to see your renders and answer questions here, I will be watching this thread closely over the next week or so. I don't always receive notices when a new post goes up so if you don't get a response in a day or so please send a PM.
Here is a promo from the Texture Add-On.
My brother and I really enjoyed creating these two products and hope that carries over to your renders. Enjoy!
Looks like a wonderful product... Congrats to you both... Can't wait to see some more renders. ;)
Was wondering about the two different Marshians, lol. I bought both, unsure of them but they look interesting. Is there a way to use it as an umbrella too and not have it emit light? Also unknown thiamine the right thread, sorry in advance, any chance of a iray version of ocean wide and ultrumarine
This look super useful and super cool!
Here is a promo that didn't make it to the store page "Rain Dance"
Hi Digital Lite Design,
This is our first time doing a texture add-on. We had so much fun creating these textures they couldn't be contained in one product. Hope that fun carries over into your renders. Thank you!
Yes, there are presets for a standard umbrella....good to go there. The smart poses will load the illuminated umbrella so just delete the lights and load the standard umbrella material.
I'm currently assessing my back catalog for 3Delight products to update for Iray, those two are in my sights. I'm working on features to add so that they are more than just material updates. Let me know if you have ideas in what you'd like to see in that direction.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Ice Dragon Art! We thought this prop/light combination would have some great possibilities. Yes- form, function, and super cool.
The promo below didn't make into the store page because it wasn't figure related. I had an idea to show how it could be used in architecture (Speaking of useful) but I got some feedback to keep it clear and umbrella-like, I do agree. So the forum thread here is a great chance to show some of these other ideas.
Looks like a really cool product, but I have a question. In the DAZ store it's listed as Studio 4.9 compatible, and I currently have 4.8. I had an experience recently where I thought I'd be able to use 4.8 with a product, but both DIM and even the Manual install told me I couldn't use it unless I had 4.9. And that was with a product made for previous versions of DS like 4.6.
So will your Illumberella work with 4.8 or will I again be told I can't use it unless I upgrade(which I'm not ready to do)?
What was this product? I'm not aware of any mechanism in either DIM or a manual install of this nature.
To FixmyPCmike:
That other product in question was Measure Metrics & Figure Metrics.
To Marshian: So Illumberella will fully work with DS 4.8 ?
Also, I'm of the understanding that if it does install and I go to use it, it will load automatically in the character's hand(s), right? But if I don't want it as a prop in a figure's hands, but as a light source, what's the best way to load it?
4.8- yes, this product was fully tested. There are presets that only load the prop and if you dont want the prop at all there are presets that only load the lights. You are good to go here!
Oh, plugins are often version dependent, yes, although it's not DIM or the manual installation that tells you that, I misunderstood what you were saying.
Thanks for that info Marshian. Have you thought about making a DAZ tutorial video on YouTube like a lot of other 3D artists have?
I'll consider it, might need more input. The challenge is that I get so familiar with what I'm working it can be difficult to see it from the outside. My brother and I really push for innovation over creating a slight twist on an existing product, this leads us and customers into unfamiliar territory. There is a real risk with this route, whether it will be a hit, but when it is.... it is so worth it.
Have someone who is already using this product & knows his/her way around IRay to make the tut video for you.
Now THIS is fantastic!
Thanks so much! Another aspect of this render— My product: above-the-fog-for-iray-and-3delight (with "Accept Shadows" turned on) is whats catching the projection above the dragon. I didn't expected it to reveal that much detail. The AuxViewport came in so handy with getting the placement right.
I have both on my wishlist now. will be fun to play with when I get a chance. The dragon definitely sold this one for me lol.
I'm glad the dragon render inspired you. I spent some a good amount of time on that one and was a bit let down when I realized it wouldn't be used in the promos.
And speaking of inspired promos- my inspiration (and intention) with this promo was to create the most minimalist promo the DAZ store has ever seen. Still my favorite.
And I can see why. Relatively simple, but very effective. Excellent work!