Looking for a Tony Stark chest arc reactor for Genesis 8 and/or Genesis 9

in The Commons
Like the title says, I'm looking for a Prop or Wearable Chest Arc Reactor for Genesis 8 Male/Female and Genesis 9 characters. I have found Ironman suits on other sites, but not just a wearable chest arc reactor. I may be searching wrong. Any chance someone knows if one exists or know someone who can make one?
There's a separate one of the classic round version included as part of this MightyMite set for G8 Kitbashers 042 MMG8M | Daz 3D but it's pretty basic.
You could repurpose one of the attachments from ND Sci-Fi Details.
Haven't had a chance to pick this up yet, but how do you repurpose a wearable? How do I make it attach to the middle of the upper chest instead of where it was designed to go like on the ear? Any video or tutorial you could suggest?
Thanks by the way for the suggestion!
Assuming it is a prop, you load it, then position it where you want and then right click and change the parent to that body part. If it is a figure, just make sure the character isn't selected when you load it and it won't fit to the character and then just do the same thing as before, position and parent,
My first thought is that one or more of the "Nurnies Greebles Parts and Pieces" sets (1, 2, 3) probably have some parts that could be used to kitbash this.
if you have Carrara
which you probably haven't...