Issue With A Certain Product

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I was not sure where else to put it, so here it is.
A while ago, I bought a pair of high heel/sandal shoes for Genesis 8 Female called 'Elin Sandals for Genesis 8 Female(s)' and they looked cool. However, whenever I try to use them on a figure, Daz Studio crashes. I do not have this issue with any other shoes I own in Daz Studio. I was wondering if maybe this bug could be patched? Unless I'm somehow using it wrong? Even though I'm not using them any differently from other shoes I own in my Daz Studio. Also wondering if anyone else owns this product and has issues, or if its just me. I bought it before the update to 4.23, and it happened before the update too.
Here is a link to the product page: Elin Sandals for Genesis 8 Female(s) | Daz 3D
Perhaps I should of refunded it back when I first bought it, but I am wanting to keep them, and use them, I'd prefer that whatever the issue is be fixed. They look really cool and I was looking forward to using them in my scenes, but everytime I load them onto a character it freezes, with the exception of one time when I was able to load it onto one of my custom characters, but it would also sometimes crash too anyway.
Thank you.
My first two questions would be:
- Have you put in a support ticket?
- Does the log file say anything about this issue?
Ah, no, I haven't, but I will. Thank you.
As for the log file, I do not know how to check that. I will put in a support ticket though and see what they say.
Thank you.
1. Always check that the appropriate shader is in use for the render system. Iray presets for Iray renders. Some 3Delight presets will indeed crash D/S if an iray render is attempted.
2. Try applying a whole different set of shader presets. They are not all equal ;-) The edition of D/S, the edition of the video card, all kinds of things can affect renders.