A function for grabbing

Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 161
edited January 2016 in Product Suggestions

hi, i have very very often the problem that the poses i have are not fully compatible to the thing my figure wil grap:

sword, knife, bars, ... but they are all different.

Problem is when my figure shall grab an other thing

(if you are on facebook you can see this example here: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11178194_331870983603605_8519073702077878433_n.jpg?oh=1c22f148866926f0f59cac9e218812e5&oe=5737EA1B )

for the others: there is a boy who is standing between 2 train-waggons and his hands are grabbing on 2 bars between them.

i need a tool whre i can select the hand AND the then that should be grabbed and then click and the hand grabs the thing.

This should be possible with a script.

if possible independed from a figure. The script shall have a look at which figure is selected (From Generation 3 on) and do the correct poses.

Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on


  • GatorGator Posts: 1,312

    I don't know the technical intricies of it, but an auto-grab would be a very welcome feature.

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