Barbarian belt for a G8F - need help.

in The Commons
Hello, I would like to achieve something close to those large belts things on those female barbarians, and I'm not too keen on conversions from other figures because I need it to fit very well, no distorsions etc...What would you suggest to use ? I know of Kadis loincloth but I think this is a bit different...

486 x 675 - 60K

590 x 354 - 42K

330 x 314 - 43K
Maybe one of those?
The problem with Retaliation is that you can't hide the loincloth surface to keep only the belt, although of course I can create the surface I guess...The one by Strangefate is a bit too low on the hips, I don't own the third, I'll check the renders that have been done with it :) Thanks for your help !
Ths autofits to G8F quite well the loin can be hidden
Maybe the belly plackart in this..?
They both look great, do you think G8M to G8F conversions would be good on those ?
If you don't already have Cross-Figure Resource Kit, I'd recommend picking it up, because that gives you much cleaner conversions than Autofit.
Might be worth trying without the cross figure resource kit & if you're not bowled over by the result, try it with the resource. (I just say this to put off expendature if you've not already spent the money!)