About the pricing of this item (Decimator for DAZ Studio)

in The Commons
I've been waiting to get this item for a good price:https://www.daz3d.com/decimator-for-daz-studio. Now yesterday (I was busy so didn't check the website) I saw that the price drop to around $18.5. Can I ask which kind of discount was added to that item? Because it was a catchup sales yesterday but I didn't remember there was any discount on that item during the whole October. Will a similar discount be available in the catchup sales at the end of this month (presumably)?
Thank you very much.
Anyone who has insider knowledge of upcoming sales and discounts will be under a non-disclosure agreement, and the rest of us will only be guessing.
It is extremely likely that it will be on a similar discount again - possibly even a better one - and that may indeed be in a catch-up sale at the end of the month, but we cannot say for sure.
Never mind, misunderstood something.
Its been as low as $14.41 over the year, nearly every month since March 2024 Doesn't mean it will be again though, but good odds. I grabbed it and with my tokens, etc came to $4.25. A steal really. I think the DAZ DEals plugin has a feature that will notify you of sales on an item, etc. Pro version of DAZ-Deals.
I got it for $3.88 on 24th September. There will have been tokens and stacking discounts involved. I'd been waiting for a sale on it at a price I would pay for quite a while, so I wouodn't necessarily say that you may find a similar price soon. It doesn't seem to often get into steep discounts, but it could also be the door stopper tomorrow for all we know.
Paid $10 for it in 27th December 2022 and it had been $5 a couple of weeks earlier.
Thanks all. I'll wait for a good discount.