two weeks with out a response now typical of the Daz customer service center? (resolved)

ChakradudeChakradude Posts: 271
edited February 16 in The Commons

I purchased a monthly ai studio subscription and got a few hours of use from it but never was able to save the art and then the daz website just stopped recognizing that I should have access, even though my purchase is duly recorded in the reciept section. So, Just out of curiosity; is 14 days with out any response dispite many additional emails on my part, is that an average now from other peoples experience? In the past I had to wait a few days to get a response but this seems excessive. I have had many good experiences over the years with customer service and a few difficult ones. Hitting the 2 week mark, sitting here twiddling my thumbs (not litterally, I am working on many projects but wanting to include DAZ ai art in some of them) I thought, maybe Im just to optimsitic, maybe a month is the new minimum. At least during the  Big Sale; what could be more important than that?

I finally had demanded a refund but then realized, I dont want a refund I just want the user experience promised to be able to use the pro interface as advertised at least till I get my rendering machine working again and can go back to daz studio.


Post edited by Chakradude on


  • update: well not much to update except I just checked the free section and found serveral cool items, this dispite being a customer since 2005. I believe in giving credit where credit is due; not into the sale or the wait time but thanks for the free stuff!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336

    Chakradude said:

    I purchased a monthly ai studio subscription and got a few hours of use from it but never was able to save the art and then the daz website just stopped recognizing that I should have access, even though my purchase is duly recorded in the reciept section. So, Just out of curiosity; is 14 days with out any response dispite many additional emails on my part, is that an average now from other peoples experience? In the past I had to wait a few days to get a response but this seems excessive. I have had many good experiences over the years with customer service and a few difficult ones. Hitting the 2 week mark, sitting here twiddling my thumbs (not litterally, I am working on many projects but wanting to include DAZ ai art in some of them) I thought, maybe Im just to optimsitic, maybe a month is the new minimum. At least during the  Big Sale; what could be more important than that?

    I finally had demanded a refund but then realized, I dont want a refund I just want the user experience promised to be able to use the pro interface as advertised at least till I get my rendering machine working again and can go back to daz studio.

    Which department did you submit your ticket to. I'm only asking because this issue has been coming up lately and some submitting to the wrong place. Was it "Sales Support"?

  • thanks for your response and that is an excellent question. I double checked and I did send it to the tech support because I was not having success using the ai studio and I was thinking of it as a product. Are you implying that I should have contacted sales? I guess I could  make another ticket for sales.... also its technically part of the website so I could have called it a website issue. I tend to be willing to do what ever is nessisary within reason to actuate and get things moving. its the zero response at all that kills me.  but you have responded! Please advise me what the best course of action might be..

    Thank you for any and all help you can provide!

  • If you make a new ticket for Sales Support AND in that ticket, put the ticket number for the one you sent to Tech Support, they will likely merge the 2 requests and likely help you out.


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336

    Chakradude said:

    thanks for your response and that is an excellent question. I double checked and I did send it to the tech support because I was not having success using the ai studio and I was thinking of it as a product. Are you implying that I should have contacted sales? I guess I could  make another ticket for sales.... also its technically part of the website so I could have called it a website issue. I tend to be willing to do what ever is nessisary within reason to actuate and get things moving. its the zero response at all that kills me.  but you have responded! Please advise me what the best course of action might be..

    Thank you for any and all help you can provide!

    Yes, I would submit a Sales Support ticket and ref the ticket number you sent to tech support. If Sales can't figure out the issue to will forward it on to the proper dept.

  • Ok I will try that, thanks. I was leary of making multiple tickets but referencing one in the other does make sense. Thanks to both of you for your help!

  • Well I was hopeful there for a minute that a new ticket for the sales department would elicit a response but...nada so far.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409
    edited November 2024

    Did you check its status? Sometimes the reply emails are delayed but they could be waiting for a reply from you.

    {Help > Contact us > Signin > from the little arrow by your name, "My Activities"}


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Catherine3678ab said:

    Did you check its status? Sometimes the reply emails are delayed but they could be waiting for a reply from you.

    {Help > Contact us > Signin > from the little arrow by your name, "My Activities"}


    Yes, I have been, thanks. I left it for a few days at some point and thought surely they would have responded by now but I am the only one to have made any entry in either ticket. I have had many good experiences with daz customer service but this aint one of them.

  • Multiple tickets are not going to help, and posting to bump them may well not help.

  • So is there nothing to do but sit and wait and hope that eventually someone there might respond?  I've worked a tech support queue, we'd be reamed if we let tickets sit more than an hour without at least an initial response from someone. And that's while dealing with incoming phone calls from customers. 

  • ChakradudeChakradude Posts: 271
    edited November 2024

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Multiple tickets are not going to help, and posting to bump them may well not help.

    Thanks Richard, that was my intial thought that multiple tickets would just make things harder to resolve but I thought the idea that I might have posted to the wrong department had merit.


    In any case, the one suggestion I have would be in the subscription area there is plenty of room for a "Go to  AI studio Premium" button that would only be there if you did infact have a subscription. So even if someone else had a similar problem in the future where the Ai Studio webpage does not show your subscription accurately then it could be a known solution to check the subscription section and click that button. As it stands, at least for me, the the website is kind of  "schizophrenic" where  in the subscription section it tells me all the details of how much I am being charged and how long I have supposedly been using the subscription and the Ai Studio section is encouraging me to either try it for free or Subscribe. In fact when I click subscribe it puts another subscription in my cart!

    By the way Richard, congrats on passing the 100,000 post mark! thats must have been quite a while back but wow. I have really appreciated your help clarifying things over the years.

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    Post edited by Chakradude on
  • I had a ticket sitting extra long time waiting for tech support sometime ago. When he finally got to it there was an apology, the extra delay was because he was thought I was a PA.

    When I send things to Customer Support, IF it's the wrong dept., they normally forward it on [telling me so too so I know].

    I didn't keep track of the dates but there is one that was waiting for an answer, must be decades by now. They updated the editions of D/S and the matter was no longer of concern so we both just paid it no more attn as it's now a mute point. From the D/S 3 days ;-)

    So while submitting multiple tickets normally, as a course of habit, is not a particularly useful idea, sometimes, yeah.


  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    I had submitted a ticket on July 17 and it wasn't answered until October 2.  

    I thought that the late response was odd.  It wasn't a high priority so I didn't fret about it.  

  • Often replies have been on the same day or the next day. And once in motion, customer service here has been very good IMHO.

  • Well tomorrow marks my one month of having the AI Studio Subscription. I looked at my two help desk tickets and noticed the first one has an indication that it had its last activity 2 days ago. Really? my last post on that ticket was November 1st. so somebody at the help desk looked at it and decided.... What? No actual actions taken that I can see. I guess I will let my subscription expire. I wanted to use it.

    I am glad for thoes having good experience with the Daz Help Desk; and don't get me wrong, at least 90% of the time I have a very good experience as well.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,064

    AI Studio has been intermittently functioning for weeks. At it's best, its results have never been competitive. I would interpret the non-answer as confirmation that it's a wash.

  • At the moment, it doesn't seem worth having a DAZ AI subscription. If I had one, I'd be agitating for a refund for both the percentage of time it's not been working and the lack of promised functionality - at the moment there appears to be nothing to show for the extra contributions. It really isn't fair to those who are paying. Regards, Richard.
  • ChakradudeChakradude Posts: 271
    edited November 2024

    Ok my subscription is over since I did not have a card submitted to pay. Now when I went to check the status of my 2 tickets I found that they both have been DELETED! Also all record of my help ticket history over the years is gone! I cant even imagine where to go from here. But you guys are right, this sucks!

    (Edited by mod for language)

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    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • You are not showing as a published artist. The image shown is the Published Artist help section. Did you submit your tickets as a published artist or as a regular member?

  • Charlie Judge said:

    You are not showing as a published artist. The image shown is the Published Artist help section. Did you submit your tickets as a published artist or as a regular member?

    Also, are you logged in using the correct account? Tickets usually get closed at most, I am not sure there is a delete option.

  • Well this is intresting. You are both correct in that I am not a published artist and I inadvertently clicked into the published artist area and so that is why my history did not show up. Thanks for catching that. When I logged back in this morning I found my ticket history and the two unlooked at open tickets. However, it didnt take long clicking back and forth to get back to the same place of being in published artist support and there seems to be no way to get back to regular customer support. Finally I used the back button and that brought me back to my customer account.

    I must say from a consumer usablility standpoint having to back out of the artist help section is rather unintuitive. Either have a toggle between regular help desk and published artist help or some other way to indicate your leaving cutomer help. as  it is I could go to published help but not click back without back tracking. and since I was still logged in customer help with my name showing up I became confused, and yes very pissed off.

  • What is particularly interesting is that we apparently are now able to use the published artist section. I am not a published artist and I also was able to log in to the PA help section. Daz may want to take a look at that issue.

  • I have largely had a fantastic experience with Daz customer support, kudos to the team for that!

    Although I will say that it took much longer for a response when we made the switch to a paid for software in essnce. My account had a problem switching over to premier and as a result I felt like I missed out on some of the deals that went with the early promotion.  Yes, I know much, probably most was revisited at the end, however it was still an inconvenience and its preferable to pick these things up as they happen from a budgetary perspective, ultimately for both parties because I definitely ended up spending less.

    I'm sure it was a very busy time, hopefully the service will return to its previously outstanding level from my own experience...

    I do feel that now Daz is another subscription for serious users (my overall subscription bill for computer related services is now a real concern!  It's gone crazy!!!), that there should be and probably is more pressure that customer service should be absolutely on the ball, so I do really hope that some of the above issues are isolated and rare incidents as opposed to a trend for much slower service creeping in...

  • While I usually get a response witin a couple of days, I now have a ticket to customer service (sales support) that has been up for two weeks without any response. While it is a request to correct a mistake I made that resulted in a loss of tokens it would have been nice to get some sort of response even if they didn't want to grant the request.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,064

    In journalism---remember that?---we only needed three instances to declare a trend or movement. To be sure, these incidents don't seem isolated or rare to the customers experiencing them. Nowadays I avoid sales support as much as tech support.

  • Charlie Judge said:

    While I usually get a response witin a couple of days, I now have a ticket to customer service (sales support) that has been up for two weeks without any response. While it is a request to correct a mistake I made that resulted in a loss of tokens it would have been nice to get some sort of response even if they didn't want to grant the request.

    Now 3 weeks and counting with NO response to my ticket! nono 

  • Same here but longer now.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    I had a question about tokens and they answered within 24 hours. It depends on the complexity of the question and whether they can even have a reasonable expectation of replicating your computing enviroment. however, the prior ticket about not being able to sign up for Premier was never answered directly to me, simply closed when they fixed the problem.

  • nonesuch00 said:

    I had a question about tokens and they answered within 24 hours. It depends on the complexity of the question and whether they can even have a reasonable expectation of replicating your computing enviroment. however, the prior ticket about not being able to sign up for Premier was never answered directly to me, simply closed when they fixed the problem.

    Well, mine was fairly simple. All I asked for was that they restore some tokens I accidently used on on a totally free offer. At the very least they could either grant or deny the request. But no they have just left it open for well over 3 weeks now. 

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