How do I fix these pants?(in daz studio)

in The Commons
These pants for Genesis 2 female are giving an error underneath.
I downloaded them here:
I would like to know how to solve this

pants issue.jpg
2934 x 1520 - 371K
Is the problem visible in default pose?
If not it is a weightmap issue, where there is allocated weight to the wrong bone. It looks like it is just a single vertex. You can enable weight paint, and select left thigh in the pants in the scene tab, and in Tool Settings click general weight (if G2 uses general weight, else the triax weights one by one). In the viewport part of the pants will turn red, meaning full weight. And adjust as needed.
You need to edit the weightmaps (Node Weightmap Brush) to make the affected vertex move with the correct (left) thigh bone, and to a lesser extent one of the vertices on the right-thigh needs adjusting. In the Tool Settings pane you can see the current weights for the adjacent vertices if you select them.