Do Wild West Churches Have Interiors?

in The Commons
Both sets include an interior promo with pews, but neither What's Included lists them.
If pews aren't part of the sets, does anyone know where I might find them?
Pretty much all of that PAs (Enterables) sets have modelled interiors, including staircases, but there is no furniture or other props.
I haven't found those exact pews, but some church sets do have pews. Sacrament, Cornerstone Church, and Old West Church (by Falcontruth).
If they show them in the promos, they very likely do include the pews. If, for some reason they don't, there's a free pew over at ShareCG:
Thanks all!
I can't say with 100% certainty, but I think the pews are from Merlin Studios' set:
The pattern and overall design on the pews looks identical to me. I think Merlin has some affiliation with Enterables and it wouldn't surprise me the pew from their Church Props
I loaded them all, there is nothing inside them, except some lamps on the wall and the bell in the bell tower.
As far as I remember, it was explained a couple of months ago that Merlin is the person doing the conversion of Enterables set for Daz and Daz is keeping these conversion under a separate PA name to avoid mixing Merlin's own creations with these conversions.
As a fan of Enterables' sets, I hope this arrangement lasts. Entersbles has oodles of historic building props that you don't see a lot of in the Daz store, and when you do find some, they tend to be ruins, which isn't very useful if you're rendering then rather than now.
I have the Old West Church and it has furnishing inside, including a wood stove, a piano, and an altar and pews.
Old West Church | Daz 3D
If there is an interior for a building, they usually show that in the promo pics.
As a note about those old west churches in general 'real life', they are still seen on older military bases throughout the western United States and in some cases still used as churches with services and weddings. Some are preserved as historic base buildings and museums. So if you want to use one with folks in modern clothing, cars in a background lot and a kid's playground, it would be accurate. Though the churches are a bit plainer than the ones in this pack.
Me too. I buy many of these, and will continue to buy the ones I might reasonably need some day. You just can't beat them for the price and the variety of everyday, still-intact, non-modern buildings.
Old West Church may be more what I'm looking for. Thanks.
The reason, I asked in the first place is that the Wild West Church sets each include an interior promo with props.