Trying to find and access Premier content - SOLVED

I am a bit frustrated at the moment trying to figure out how the Premier content works in Daz Studio. I purchased a membership for Priemier back in October and purchased the Lycan character bundle. As a result, I saw it show up in my product library along with the female Lycan Premier bonus. This month I purchased the Kai 9 bundle and got the Kalei exclusive character. I now see the Kai 9 Bundle products in my product library along with the Kalei bonus character. I had not installed any of the Premier bonus content yet, or the Premier plug-ins so today I decided to do that. I've never tried to install anything using the Daz Connect/Content Library method so I am trying to figure it out. In Fact, I can't even find the bonus content at all. Not the plugins I'm supposed to install or the bonus content. And when I checked my product library, I no longer see the Lycan female character listed anywhere. So my questions are:
1. How do I find/access/install the Premier bonus characters and plugins? I tried to find some kind of forum topic with instructions, but I've mot been successful (to be honest, searching the forums for me is as clear as mud). I went to the Premier FAQ discussion and all it says is that I need to install them but doesn't provide any instruction on how to actually do that or provide links to said instuctions.
2. Since the Lycan Female is no longer showing up in my product library like Kalei 9 is, does this mean I've lost access to it?
It is very frustrating because you purchase a product in good faith, and then you waste time trying to figure out how to access and download those products because any instruction that is provided is incomplete or assumes that you already possess knowledge that you may not already have.
If anyone can help me with any of these questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Even pointing me to somewhere with complete answers would be greatly appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
I don't have premier but the way I understand it is that you must log into your account within Daz Studio to activate/sign-in to Daz Connect. Presumably at that point it should do a little bit of communication to grab the list of products you own. If not there may be a way to kick it (right click -> refresh maybe?) but if not perhaps restart since I know there is a metadata update on bootup. Then the Premier-only content that you have access to should appear in Smart Content tab - but make sure you are on either "All" or "Available" down at the bottom and not "Installed".
EDIT: Further instructions are in this thread:
Thank you very much SofaCitizen for the link.
With the link from SofaCitizen, I was able to find and install the plugins, however I still can't find and install the bonus characters that I'm supposed to have.
If you are talking about the Premier only, they need to be downloaded with Daz Connect in Smart Content in Daz Studio.
Hi felis. I am trying to do that but I can't find the products. I've gone to Smart Content, and selected Products, selected All Products, then selected Available and none of the Premier related products show up. Just all kinds of things for V4, M3 etc. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I have finally got things to work properly. After multiple tries, multiple restarts, following all of the instructions on the downloads page, then discovering that the downloads page is missing a piece of critical information that is actually only in the video, I got it to work.
There is a filter - if you click the magnifying glass icon to the elft of the text box at the top of the Smart Content pane (in the products tab using Available or All install state filters) or in the Install pane then you can select the Premier>Exclusive filter.
The step that was missing for me in order to see the premier content at all, and that only showed up in the video, was that I needed to click on the filter menus button (the magnifying glass icon by the search field) little arrow and then select Premier. If I didn't do that, I couldn't see any of the Premier products.