Paul Rudolfs Burroughs Wellcome building interior

[Paul Rudolfs Burroughs Wellcome building interior] Specifically the atrium - this is crying out for a 3D replica
More info on this building here:
Sadly it has now been demolished! Even more reason to immortalize it in pixels!
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
It looks like a classic Sci-Fi building rather than a real structure - though the carpet colours do rather scream a particular vintage. I was unaware of the building, but it looks like it would fit perfectly into a brutalist sci-fi future where the carbon lifeforms infesting a planet are an inconvenience that have to be catered for until something better can be designed to replace them. Would make a nice, unusual model.
1972, by the look of it, so probably still protected by copyright.
The architects plans are rough, the ones found the link above anyway. Without the finals plans I would be hard de recreate it in 3D. But maybe something similar is doable, and without copyright infringement. I've worked with architects in the past, making 3D apartments so clients could do the virtual visit thing. SketchUp is the way to go if you want to attempt this.
If you did something 'Inspired by' as opposed to an exact copy, I think you would be on pretty safe ground, especially as the original is no longer extant. Inventing 'sensible' dimensions based on what you see in a photo without measuring the photo will prevent it being an exact copy. Have to say I am not a copyright lawyer so don't take my word as the last word in legal interpretations...
Well will you look at that!:
I think someone must have looked at this thread. Most impressive an interesting model.
Oh, I have forgotten about this discussion but that's why I though 'hu, wasn't it released weeks ago already ?' when I saw it this morning.