Can you identify this jewelry?

in The Commons
Does anyone know where the earrings and necklace from this image come from? The image is the main promo for the "Calliope for Genesis 9" character
I'm not sure if they are actual items. The head adornments look like they could be photshoppped on and the earrings don't look quite right.
Same thinking... A bit strange and no shadow at all.
@scorpio @crosswind Yeah I figured that the headpieces are photoshopped, but I figured the necklace and earrings might be real. It could be that all the accessories are photoshopped though. I hope that's not the case, as I think they're very cool and would love something similar for my characters.
Maybe the jewlery is real, and we aren't.
Seriously, you can ask (prompt) an AI image creation site to design a medallion as a tattoo design, and tell it what exactly you want on the medallion - like - I want Joan of Arc talking to the voices in her head. The AI program spits out a selection of medalions that conform to the prompt. Then you can import one of the designs into Blender and using a (I believe it's called an "extraction" tool, you can pull the 2 dimensional image up into a 3 dimensional model mesh. You can create the most intricate fantastical models in this way - but the BACK OF THE MODEL IS TOTALLY FLAT.
The large medallion is a real design called "SILVER PYRAMID SHREE YANTRA / MERU YANTRA" or "Shree Yantra Pooja". It is Hindu
The ornament in the center of her forhead is a trident. It looks either French or Italian. It could be the end of a fork, or it could be, what is called an "asassins Hair Stick". In the movie THE THREE MUSKETEERS, Faye Dunaway pulls one of these "assains hair sticks" out of her hair and attacks Raquel Welch with it.
The silver makeup appears to be part of the product because it's pictured several times.
They look like Fabiana pieces to me. You may likely find them, or something very similar, in
and . The earrings look like room decorations you hang from the ceiling that have been textured to match the other jewellery. Again, Fabiana, or one of DMs room settings from that other store.
Ok, the earrings are called "railing basket design" from India. They form part of the railing along the edge of a staircase.
@Fauvist Thank you for all the research you've done! That was very nice of you. I really appreciate it! :D
The word is EXTRUDE in Blender, not EXTRACT.
Sadly I don't really know much about how to use Blender and am pretty novice at it, but it's good to know that it can be done that way.
I exposed myself to a ton of products I wouldn't have otherwise ever looked at. This is extraordinary
Oh wow! That's very cool! :) Thank you for the link! :)