Help with skin/hairline issue?

in The Commons
I've been setting up a character and finally found a skin and hair I liked, but putting the two together results in a strange... well look around the hairline on the first photo, especially near the ear. Second is just to show it with a different skin... changing the hair with the original skin also fixes it, though obviously I'd rather not do that. Any idea what this is and how to fix it? The original skin is from off-site so not sure if that's kosher to link to, but the hair is here. The skin talks about using PBR which I'm less familiar with but it seems to be related to skin rendering, so I don't know if that's relevant here. Thanks in advance for any help!

WTF Hair.png
2160 x 2160 - 4M

WTF Hair 2.png
2160 x 2160 - 5M
Does the problem skin have displacement?
I don't believe so, no.
Does the skin use refraction settings in the surfaces tab? It looks almost like an SSS or refraction issue, IMO. The points in which the hair's geometry intersects with the figure's skin and ear, it's causing issues for sure - so it's likely not an issue with the hair but rather the skin of the first character.
Is the skin meant to be rendered in Daz Studio Iray? Some of the off-site characters are meant to be rendered in Poser. I'm not sure if that's the case here.
Ok, so switching "SSS Enable" to off did make the problem squares go away... but also makes the skin in that area much darker than normal of course heh. So... I guess that's the issue but I don't know how to fix it.
I can say that yes, it's advertised as being for Daz Iray.