
Piercings for belly bottom, nipples, nose, upper and lower lip right/middle/left, chin crease eyebrows and all that without the need to fix the position of the piercing (especially nipples and face) if changing expressions or poses. That would be an improvement but during all these years since I first have made this suggestion (at V4 times) nothing happens in that direction, much useless was created through the years but such usefull percing "magnets" not.
Post edited by cosmo71 on
What you are wanting, while not quite totally impossible, is not easy or practical.
The limitations of the type of 3D meshes that are used prevent any easy ways of sticking them on so that they'd follow all the deformations of posing/expressions (and not deform themselves into abstract sculptures). A simple brow stud would need several hundred custom corrections made to just cover the basic expressions...and no PA would be willing to put the time into an item that would have to sell for $500 for a single brow stud, because it's doubtful that even one would be sold.
One possible way is by geografting...but then you are tying them to specific meshes AND creating a texturing nightmare...just look at how well geografted clothing is liked.
I will have to agree with mjc1016; the easiest way to do it and have it at least look acceptable is to have these be texture addon elements rather than actual props or geografts.
Well what I do not understand is, that DAZ hasen`t made it until today, that props can be parented to nipples or fit to nipples, the "nipple piercing" problem would be solved then. from V4 to G3F are three generations of figures and they still haven`t made it.
Because the nipples aren't separate bones/nodes.
That is what I meant, over three generatrions, why are nipples not separate bones/nodes, I can remember such requests for nipple piercings back at V4 times.
Make a fitted item and use Rigidity to keep the piercings solid and use the reference group setting to tie them to the bit of the body they belong to. Using Rigid Follow Nodes might also work.
Richard, can you please be a little more specific about:
"use Rigidity"
"use the reference group setting"
"Using Rigid Follow Nodes"
I know I've never seen these options, nor do I know how they would be used.......but they sound VERY useful.
They require the use of the Geometry editor tool. Going from memory. Select all the vertices of a single piercing (an element that should move and perhapss cale but should keep its shape) and right-click>Geometry Asignment>Create Rigidity Group from Selected. Then select just the vertices defining an area close to the flesh, or perhaps in the middle of the inner portion if that is modelled, and this tiem assign them to the references group - this will be used by DS to dtermine how the whole mesh responds to auto-generated morphs. Rigidity groups don't affect posing - to avoid distortion there you need toe dit the weightmaps (Geometry Editor and Node Weight paint tools) - in particular you don't want the weights to vary across a solid object like a piercing.