I have purchased a few condos, bedrooms and they are black

in The Commons
I have pulled up some rooms and they are just black inside, I have have to place lights everywhere, even when I remove some of the walls and it is light outside the room, it is still black inside, what am I doing wrong?
Try pressing Ctrl + L.
thank you very much
That will help with previews. not with actual renders (it turns the preview of lights off, using a headlamp shinging from the camera instead).
For iray, rememeber that the default render settings are for a bright, outdoor scene - and that the default light is an external skydome. You will need to add intyerior lights (spot and point, or emissive objects, not distnat lights which shine from infinity even when the avatar is in a room) and set the Environment Mode in render Settings to Scene or Dome and Scene (depending on whether the skydome can contribuute anything by shinging through the windows etc.).