ID the prop from the main promo

in The Commons
Can someone identify the club prop used from promo images of Cogito Ergo SMASH Poses? The description says "..the club included in the Troll set..." but I couldn't locate the said Troll set. The bundle which the poses belong to does come with a club but that one is very different from the one shown here. This one's got irregular metal spikes.
Being specific, the description more completely says: "While the product says it requires Troll HD for Floyd, it's more a suggestion rather than a requirement as the club included in the Troll set was used in the creation of the poses requiring the weapon in this collection", so the answer is really in the rest of the sentence.
Thanks! I got stuck at the mention of the set and assumed that the poses used only the Troll character. Never occurred to me that the Troll character also had the club included in it.