Anyone else been noticing that things you know you bought are suddenly gone from your library?

in The Commons
I swear I've lost a few things from my product library recently, that I know I bought in the past. The first time was about a month ago. And I chalked it up to me just mis-remembering, (maybe I owned a similar item to the one in question?, etc.) But this has happened 2 more times since then. Has this happened to anyone else recently or am I going crazy? I'm no spring chicken, but my mind is still pretty sharp. I'm like 99% sure that I owned these items. Has Daz been doing any changes to servers or accounts or anything that could have caused some of us to lose library content?
I'm pretty sure that has happened as well, but then, no proof. I do have all my receipts, but going through every one is futile to say the least.
If it has only been a month or so, review your Orders one at a time to see if you have all the purchased items in your Product Library. The Orders can't (shouldn't) be altered, at least not accidentally. I always save the order as a pdf, just in case.
If you kept the 'Thank you for your purchase!' emails, you can check in them if you really bought the couple of products concerned.
I have one erroneously unretrievable item from long ago. It's not a new error -- I've known about it for several months -- and I haven't gotten around to asking about it.
You mean the item actually disappeared off your computer? Or the item is not in your library of items list on the site?
I have older items that show as not purchased on the site but when I check my library they are listed there but as inactive.
often they changed the SKU in those cases
Yesterday I found with just a blank thumbnail in Smart Content with no files and a red mark in Content Library (A - Z) so I had to delete it there and then reinstall it from DIM. I am positive I had installed it when I first bought it, especially since I had used it.
But something I have noticed is that not all updates seem to go to the top of DIM and disappear into the body of the files to be downloaded. I have taken to routinely sorting by Date Purchased, Product IDs, Most recent update (can't remember proper name, no computer open with DIM on it now), but I try all the different sorts just to see if something has slipped through. But I missed that one somehow.
often those are PA items that were later purchased by Daz - though they mostly managed to avoid doing that later.
Sometimes an update adds packages, for new content (e.g. Genesis 9 Starter Essentials part 3) or because aproduct was split (perhaps for size - I can't think of an example now). If that happens, or if the ID of the package gets changed, then it will be seen as a new item not an update.
Removed from my library, it doesn't show as purchased anymore so I can't re-download it from either DIM or from the store directly. I have no idea when it actually dissapeared, I only noticed it missing from my library this month, since I only recently needed to re-install it. One example is this one here that I'm pretty sure I bought in maybe 2016 to 2018? Back when I first started in Daz. I've looked through 100 orders so far but haven't found it yet. I used to keep all my old emails from purchases but I've changed email accounts since then and I don't have them anymore. So I am just going through the saved orders on my Daz account while logged in here, If they've deleted that order receipt too, then I am screwed.
If you open a ticket and give a rough date range Sales support may be able to help.
I have items I purchased at RuntimeDNA that show up as not purchased on the DAZ3D site. And they arre not in by DAZ3D content library. But the content is on my computer and accessable through DAZ Studio.
You think you bought it. You think it disappeared from your Librarary on the site, so you can't download it (again). Is the product installed on any of your computers or hard drives or on a disc?
Yeah, i'm gonna have to do that. I was just hoping to find the receipt. There is also another one that I can't even remember the name of. I know it was a Marcius character for G3F, and she was a "viking maiden warrior" type figure in the promos, with blond hair and blue face paint in some of the promos. I can't even remember the name of that one though. Once I figure out the name of her I'm going to open a ticket for both. Shinjuku Living and the Marcius figure are 2 that I know I for sure that I owned. I've looked through every G3F and G8F character I own and she is gone.
Well I know for sure they were previously installed on a different computer some years ago. In the case of Shinjuku Living, I've done renders with it in the past, I can see it is still in the store, but now I don't own it anymore. So somewhere between the last time I used it, which was probably 5 years ago or longer, and now, the item has been removed from my library. I don't know how else to explain it. In the past month I've been doing lots of reinstalls of older items, because I've recently felt the creative bug to start writing and rendering again. I've done this a few times in this hobby, where I'll leave and come back again. This is the only time when I've noticed things missing. I'll just open a ticket and see what happened.
I have Shinjuku Living, and can see it in DIM, but it does not seem to appear in Smart Content and per DIM it is installed into: file:///D:/DAZ%203D/Studio/My%20Library/Environments/Architecture/Kayleyss/Shinjuku%20Living/BaseSet.duf
Small victory, I finally found the Marcius character, that I thought I had lost. it is this one - only it doesn't show Marcius as a creator anymore, just Daz, which is why I had such a hard time finding it. I still own it, I just couldn't find it.
I have several products not showing up and the numbers keep increasing there's an update option but does nothing tried unistalling reinstall nothing seems to work either via dim or in studio and both in public and the other version
I remember way back then, we were advised to check the usernames we used for RDNA and Daz to make sure there were the same so the contect came across. I just did a quick search of my product library for Terradome 2 that I know I purchased from RDNA and it was manually added to my product library and shows as purchased on the product page.
I have everything I have ever downloaded for Daz/Poser on an external drive that I copy to a new drive every few years. If I think I have a product I will search my hard drive for it, that can then lead me to what runtime library it's in.
I have kept track of everything I've purchased at DAZ for many years, and when I did a compare of the data from before and after the 2020 store update several items were missing. That this should happen on my account only is probably not very likely.
The receipts for these items are still available online so, provided that all receipts are there, scanning them and comparing the data with the library data should make it possible to find any missing products.
The store has had (and maybe still have?) issues with sometimes not showing the "Purchased" status on the product page. Refreshing the page a couple of times should fix it.
Thanks for verifying this. I have never been good with downloading my receipts offline, I did in the beginning but then it became so tedious I gave up on it. Eventually i solely relied on the receipts that are in my Daz account online when I log in. Unfortunately I have noticed that these online receipts themselves are often changed way after the fact.
For example, I have returned a few items in the past, and usually the order is amended to show that a return has taken place and credited. So I recently went back to check on some of these old returns and they no longer show up as returns at all. I even found a few things which I had returned and was credited for, but they are still in my libary. And I also continue to find things in the store for sale, which I swear I had bought in the past, but now they are missing.
At this point though, its just not worth it to me to take all the time necessary to cross check these things. According to Daz Deals plug-in I own abou $100K worth of Daz assets (full retail value) obviously I never spent that much, more like $7k out of pocket, but still, I have enought assets I will never use them all. Just hopefully, the 2020 store update was the cause of the missing items, and hopefully I lose nothing else going forward.
I do keep track of my assets now with your Product Manager, and I take screen shots of that from time to time so I can compare how many assets are in my library. So far I have lost nothing else in the time that I have been using it.
How long have you used the Product Manager? If you started using it before the 2020 store upgrade, and still have history files from back then, it's easy to compare the data with the current ones to see what might be missing. Actually all history files ever generated (it generates a new one every time it updates the history) can be compared, so that it is possible to see all changes that have been happening over time. It doesn't have any built in feature for that though.
Otherwise, I'm considering making it capable of downloading the order data and then make an option for comparing these with the library data, that should work also. You'll also have actual proof that you purchased the missing products that way.
I also lost several Interactive licenses (reverted back to standard license) during the store upgrade, but I never got any receipts for these so I can't prove it. I believe that the "missing receipts" bug is also responsible for the lost license status, as those items that retained their Interactive status all have receipts. AFAIR those licenses that survived were purchased together with the products, while those that were lost were purchased separately, for products that I already owned, which means they must have been handled by two different pieces of code, of which one was bugged.