Happy Thanksgiving!

in The Commons
This year I wanted to say that I'm very thankful for you guys. This community has been a huge help to me over the years - first as just a customer and a budding 3D artist trying to learn the ropes, learning from all the invaluable information, help, and encouragement you guys give so freely. And then later, you all have shown me so much love and support over the years as a PA too. Thank you guys! I'm very thankful for you and for this community!
Happy thanksgiving to North American friends! Happy Thursday to the rest of us!
Happy Day of the Turkey!
I'm not sure the turkeys would agree
Just folks in the US. In Canada we celebrate our Thanksgiving the second Monday of October. Though I wouldn't mind an extra Turkey dinner. Mmmm mmm.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our neighbours down south!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Happy VT Day!
May we all celebrate our ancestors' victory over the Turkey Overlords in health and prosperity!
May you all enjoy their roasted flesh and their butchered carcasses (the turkeys) stuffed with seasoned stale bread and served with the pulp of the brown root fruit and the Berries of Cran in paste form!
Feast! For we never know if they will arise again to terrify humanity and subjugate us as in days of yore.
Remember the words of the Great Turkey War veteran Jebediah Butterball:
The turkey is not your friend!
He will promise you whatever he wishes, whatever you want...
But he deceives you!
For all the turkey wants is power and worship!
The turkey will use you to get what it wants and then it will peck you to death!
The turkey will poop on all you hold dear and then taunt you from the highest branches of the tallest tree!
Remember the words of those who went before, who sacrificed everything to defeat the turkey...
The turkey is not your friend!
Stay vigilant, stay hungry!
Happy VT Day!
Well, even if it's not on your local calendar, I wish you all the spirit of the good things about Thanksgiving.
Barring the unforeseen, in a few hours from now, all of my family that lives in the city will be here, sharing a nice dinner, including my elderly parents who haven't been able to attend a holiday event in several years. Well wishes and happy thoughts to all.
To everyone who celebrates a fall harvest feast that recognizes that they have grown, harvested, stored and may survive until the next sowing and harvest season. Barring warlords, trolls, wooly mammoths, and college students carrying the goal posts to the nearest body of water when they win the one game in the past ten years.
Happy Thanksgiving +
Happy Thanksgiving
And an early Native American Heritage day to you.