A quick question about PA's who have stuff here and on 3rd party's

I see some PA's that I've seen on 3rd party sites starting to sell their stuff here, too, and I was wondering if they'd be able to sell all of their stuff from those 3rd party sites on here as well.
I guess its just a selfish want, because every time I try to manually install anything to DAZ, it always, ALWAYS goes horribly wrong, and involves a metric ton of jumping through hoops to get it so I can use it, (probably because I didn't do the default install) and I would love to just install stuff with DIM, instead.
Are there legal considerations, like DAZ doesn't want them to sell stuff here they have other places, or maybe they have exclusivity deals with those other places? I'm pretty ignorant about this stuff, but I would love to see them put all that stuff here, just so its easier to manage...
Both are factors. Daz usually insists on exclusivity for anything sold on this store, it's also sometimes the case (although more on a case by case basis) on other stores.
Another big thing is stores often have different requirements for submission. That might be as far as testing standards, or it might be that the store insists on product promos being in a different format or aspect ratio.
Given that many users visit multiple stores anyway, having to go through two sets of testing and meet two different sets of requirements would - even if vendor agreements allowed that - often not be worth the extra sales it might yield.
This has been my experience, as well. Issues only arise when you implement some non-standard directory system. Some people can't resist doing this, but it usually causes problems.
If you use Smart Content, there's Content Wizard | Daz 3D. It does a better job of creating Smart Content than the Daz Install Manager.
Interesting... as OP's question brings up a point, if you move things around or rename directories you break Smart Content. I've learned to live with that and instead categorize everything I buy.
kirbawirba, is that what you mean by messed up? Or not actually work messed up?
on Windows, Mac users have to be careful as dragging-and-dropping folders will replace the old with the new rather than merging them.
What do you mean? Content Wizard is doing a very different set of tasks from DIM, which is simply inserting the Daz-created metadata into the local database.
Content Wizard will also install (single items or in bulk) and generate DIM-compatible packages.
If testing is a high consideration, just pick which site is most stringent and use that one as the standard across the board. The exclusivity is a bummer, tho. That's tough for both the customer and PA
Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've done it that way, only to have it not show up in the directories within Daz. I don't know why, but tracking down each individual folder and simply dropping it in doesn't work for me 99% of the time on manual installs. I usually end up just copying everything multiple times and pasting them everywhere. If the program ends up telling me what's missing from wherever, that helps, cause at least its telling me where exactly to put it
Its a little bit of both. I installed DAZ and everything to D:\\ instead of defaults, because C: is my OS HDD and I don't want anything else on it. Then I just drag and drop everything to their corresponding folders, and it ends up not working at all.
That I didn't know... I ended up buying the DIM compatible script thingy from the store and it works pretty well for me now. I don't use CW at all. I can't stand it. BUT... if it does this, I'll use it!
Sounds like whatever folder you're using on your D drive isn't set in your Content Directory Manager.
Edit - Preferences - Content tab - Content Directory Manager
You can have any number of 3rd party content libraries set up anywhere on your PC.
Just make sure you add them in Daz Studio.
Windows PC instructions: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/8953081/#Comment_8953081
This is not "jumping through hoops". It is 4 steps and 1 minute.