My ShareCG Account is Suddenly Inactive

in The Commons
I tried to log into ShareCG just now, and wasn't able to. I asked to have a new password sent, and it says my username is inactive.
Has this happened to anyone else, or is it just me?
Mine is still working - when did you last login there? Maybe there's some sort of time-out?
I logged in earlier this week.

I checked the blog, and apparently they are having problems sending emails to Yahoo email addresses (I have been getting my follow-me reports, but others must not have been) , so they are not taking new registrations from Yahoo emails, and areasking people to change their email address on file, or they will deactivate their account on January 1st. Apparently they may have done the latter early...
I just checked mine and it still works but it didn't ask me to checkbox the captcha, which is now gone. So they've been making website changes and it should be a mistake you can remedy by contacting their support.
Oh, interesting. (And I guess annoying for people with only Yahoo email addresses)
I've been locked out for months for this reason (account is inactive, no idea why), although I use a gmail so it's not a Yahoo thing in my case.
My access is normal. And I don't go in that often.
I contacted support and was able to get it straightened out.
They changed the email, but their email ended up in my Gmail spam folder and the verification emails never reached my Gmail address, so I emailed them back and they must have set it up manually.
Glad it got straightened out
I'm experiencing a similar issue. I noticed it around 3 weeks ago when I seemed to be caught in a loop with the "I'm not a robot" security check. On December 13th, I finally noticed the screen displayed "inactive account" when I tried to reset my password. Worse, when I tried to access any page that should have revealed assets I uploaded to be shared, they were gone!
I couldn't find a "conteact us" page, but a friend provided this...
...which I promptly used. So far, ShareCG has NOT responded.
It can't be a Yahoo issue as I don't use that service. My e-mail is associated with a city owned ISP that I've had since 1997.
Needless to say, but I will anyway, I'm a bit flustered, more so for the freebies I uploaded are seemingly nuked rather than my inability to download anything.
I just checked my account, and everything is working normally including downloads. There must be a setting that changed and is affecting your account.
Not related to this issue, but a few items I downloaded were only images and not DAZ files.
THey got back to me and straightened thinngs out, and my one freebie reappeared when they did. Be sure to look in your Spam folder, as that's where their reply ended up foe me.
Good Luck
Whenever I open my e-mail, usually several times a day, I also check my spam folder. Just a personal standard practice for me. Alas, I have not yet seen any reply.
I'm sorry to hear that. I appreciate you sharing, I'm certainly going to go download some of my own work to make sure it doesn't dissapear.
Thanks to the link you provided, I got a reply from ShareCG stating they reactivated my account. I tried logging into the sit and it DID work. Also, I saw that my freebies had returned. All seems well!
I'm glad. With any luck I've still got the Booster Gold Accessories you made for a trade way back in the day.