Nipple location on breasts

Hello everyone. Im a new and learning 3d artist. I have been working on a tribal scene and it jsut doesnt look right with the women of the tribe having their nipples located normally on their breasts. Most tribal womens nipples are located lower on the breats nearer the underbreast. Like they are meant to be suckled while they are hanging forward. I am looking for a tool or morph to move nipples lower on the breasts. If anyone knows of one or DAZ can use this as a suggestion for a new morph dial? Im not good at all with any kind of 3d sculpting tools or softwares, othrerwise I'd try to make one myself or a sculpted body.
It is not the nipple that moves about, it is that the breasts then self are drooping forward, from the weight of milk.
You need some morphs like those in these products, depending which figure you are using
thnx a ton Chohole :) wasnt sure which part was moved or morphed :)