Retrieving journal and checking for changes ~ Freezes the render.

Compiling Shaders - 0/1
Rendering image...
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Initializing update
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Retrieving journal and checking for changes
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating LPE labels
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating geometry contexts
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating geometry
Iray (Scene Update) : Retrieving geometry
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating motion transform data
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating section objects
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating materials
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating environment
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating code
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating textures
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating volumes
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating lens data
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating lights
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating instance topology
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating flags
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating backplate
Iray (Scene Update) : Updating decals
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving geometry
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device geometry
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving volumes
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving textures
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device textures
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving flags
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device flags
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving lights
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device lights
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving section objects
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device section objects
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving materials
Iray (Scene Access) : Compiling custom code
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving environment
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device environment
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving backplate
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device backplate
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving decals
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device decals
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving motion transform data
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device motion transform data
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving lens data
Iray (Scene Access) : Retrieving device lens data
Iray (Iteration) : 1
Iray (Canvas) : Render target canvas was written.
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Initializing update
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Retrieving journal and checking for changes
Iray (Iteration) : 2
Iray (Iteration) : 3
Iray (Iteration) : 4
Iray (Iteration) : 5
Iray (Iteration) : 6
Iray (Iteration) : 7
Iray (Iteration) : 8
Iray (Iteration) : 9
Iray (Canvas) : Render target canvas was written.
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Initializing update
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Retrieving journal and checking for changes
Iray (Iteration) : 10
Iray (Iteration) : 11
Iray (Iteration) : 13
Iray (Iteration) : 15
Iray (Iteration) : 18
Iray (Iteration) : 21
Iray (Canvas) : Render target canvas was written.
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Initializing update
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Retrieving journal and checking for changes
Iray (Iteration) : 25
Iray (Convergence) : 9.91%
Iray (Iteration) : 30
Iray (Iteration) : 36
Iray (Canvas) : Render target canvas was written.
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Initializing update
Iray (Scene Traversal) : Retrieving journal and checking for changes
Can someone help me with this, please?
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