tutorial for adding a "cutout opacity" brick to a shader

in The Commons
I'm looking for a tutorial for adding a cutout opacity brick to a shader. I have purchased sosme products lately that
have no "cutout opacity" which makes them unusable for me but I like the products.
I would like to learn more on how the shaders are made.
I don't know of any tutorial fo that, but if what you want is a version of PBR skin shader with the cutout opacity channel you can use this: https://www.daz3d.com/pbr-skin-plus
Thanks for the valuable info on the skin shader.
I am making geometry shell gems for bodygloves so I need to have a "cutout opacity" for a gem shader.
If I apply the gem shaders it wipes out the cutout opacity.
Any advice is appreciated.
You can't.
There's a hardcoded restriction in Iray that whenever a material has cutout opacity as anything other than fully opaque with no map, "Thin Walled" is automatically forced on internally, and there's no way for any shader to override that. (This is a major reason it was left out of things like the default PBRSkin shader, because it's normally clutter that's unusable for standard uses of the shader but will bog it down anyway).
As being thick walled is essential for gemstones to look like gemstones and not soap bubbles, using a cutout opacity brick on a gem shader will break it.
(I have one experiment I mean to try some time to try to work around this limitation, but I'm not hugely optimistic).
@AllenArt's Iray Jewelry Shaders still have the cutout opacity option, but after reading @Matt_Castle's message, no idea if it'll do what you want once activated.
But it's free, so at worse, if it doesn't do what you want, you'll only have lost a couple of minutes testing it in exchange for having a nice set of jewelry shaders for when you don't need cutout opacity.
Thanks so much for all of the valuable info.
I'll try AllanArt's set.
Cheerio lululee
A quick thank you to Elor and AllanArt.
The AllanArt jewelry shaders are beautiful and work with the cutout opacity I am working on.
Thank you so much for posting the link.