Unable to claim the "free" items from advent calendar.

in The Commons
Happened yesterday and today aswell. Adding the "Free" items from the advent calender doesn't seem to give me the discount in cart. Is there something else I have to do to get it for free?
There has been an issue with this. Keep trying. Also, please report sales issues here: New Year, New Sales Thread: Report Issues Here "Reporting Only"
We try to keep problems in one place as it makes it easier to find and address them and for people to more easily find solutions when there is one. Thanks.
The advert calendar items are not free, they are discounted. The free product is further down the page.
Advent calendar offers a free item or a discounted item ($2.99) for those users who had made purchases of anything in the previous days.
Also, for everyone having this trouble:
- Make sure you're picking either free or discounted item. You can't have both.
- If the item is not free, I think the only way to get it sorted is to report it in the sales reporting thread (make the mods' and your life easier, and attach screenshots of your calendar and cart)
It might take some time to fix (mods can only report it), but I had it fixed for my item yesterday.
Well that explains why I see 2 grey boxes for the 'tomorrows' and only have 1 choice to purchase something on the 'todays'. Have not been buying anything everyday.
I had the opposite issue, free stuff I didn't want
finally bought the 2.99 one
hope it counts as a purchase to keep it going, otherwise Lightning deals have been quite good lately
Mine didn't go into my cart as free, either, but at checkout it was fine. Do gift cards count toward the punches?
I don't think they count toward punches; but they may count as a "recent purchase" for purposes of being offered a free Advent gift.
The ones I got as an offer for $2.99 (ranch-road-path) did cost less than $1.99-$2.51 in the past weeks, so it was a fast pass for me, and before that, some pre-Iray(?) stuff. So far nothing interesting, I hope the free stuff will be more interesting.
oooh one of the dearer ones off my wishlist fell into my cart from the advent calendar for 2.99 today
haven't lucked out at all with the free option though
Yeah, I managed to work that out today. My hands have been far away from my wallet so far this month and as a result no free options have been presented. Reasonable enough.
Today's results were a little different. Before 'buying' anything, only the $ option was available [from the advent calendar]. However after I 'purchased' the loose free item, then I was being offered a choice in the Advent Calendar. That free item went into the cart with a price tag but was free at checkout.
I had a $1.36 order yesterday; $1 of which was for a gift card, and I lost my punches today. So, they didn't work for me, but, hey, this is Daz: Who can say for sure? Maybe it's broken, or they forgot to turn it on.
I think it was confirmed in the reporting thread that gift cards don't count for punches, because otherwise you could get punches twice: when you buy it and when you spend it. (Same as tokens.)
I did try that Catherine, but no go for me. However, it's nice to get the freebie anyway even if the calendar freebie doesn't work for me.
Darn, maybe it was a glitch then that they have changed back to the way it was for the first 3 days.
Didn't miss much, a set of old poses for A7 ;-)
When you make a purchase, for how many days does it count as a recent purchase to trigger the Advent freebie?
We don't know, DAZ has not ansered that question
Since 11/28, I have "bought" every day but only paid something on 11/30 when I owed $1+ after using the $10 off DOs. Everything else have been freebies - Daz+, biweekly, PA holiday gifts, & free bundle coupon. Yet I have had both the free & $2.99 offered all 3 days. Not that the free ones were very appealing. And today both were items I have no interest including the traditional "texture for clothing I don't own & don't want."
You can't put both the free item & the $2.99 item in the cart at the same time.
Free or discount: last year it worked without any problems!
Free or discount: this year nothing works - nothing is free :( only the discount offer in the calendar works
I have an empty shopping cart, put the free item in the shopping cart and it's not free!
As it was said above, report it (screenshots of the calendar and the cart) in the sales reporting thread, and you will get it fixed. Not reporting it, on the other hand, will definitely not get it fixed. I had the issue on the first day. Reported it. It got fixed, and I got to claim my item. No problems since then.
Does everyone get the same advent items or it's different for each customer? I've been really lucky and got some of my wishlist items there.
Each person gets a different set (though, of course, they might overlap). In general, they seem to be Daz Originals up to a certain base price from your wishlist, but as others reported, sometimes there's some other DO item.
Ok thanks, but last year it was the calendar that worked - what's different?
Last year, as far as I recall, the calendar was out of sync with the store changeover causing multiple issues for the users unable to open it for days. This year the calendar is running exceptionally smoothly.
I can see how smoothly the calendar is running. Not for me. OK, we'll leave it at that. Thank you and best wishes.
Exceptionally smoothly in comparison. It doesn't mean without issues. Last year where a lot of people were affected without any way to fix it. This year, if you're affected, you can report it to mods or file a ticket with relevant screenshots. Yes, it's not ideal but you can still get your rewards vs. last year's calendar showing "yesterday's" items or skipping days.
Thanks for the support, it just worked - thank you very much, kind regards
I'm glad to hear that it's working for you. :) That's good news. I hope you have fun with the Christmas freebies!