is there more feminine stuff than masculine stuff

in The Commons
Is it just me or is there more Feminine stuff than masculine stuff? or is there a problem with my content libary not having enough male stuff like clothes, hair, ect ect ect ect
I think that's right ~ same thing in my Lib, this store and other stores. etc etc etc.
and it is true in the real world.... The women's section in a department store dwarfs the male section.
But, unlike the real world, the percentage of the DAZ population that is Female is far greater than the Male. Worldwide the gender ratio is actually slanted slightly towards males at birth, currently 50.42 percent male versus 49.58% female, with some countries (notably India and China, the world's two largest population centers, being even more male biased at 106 males to every 100 females and 104 males to every 100 females respectively due to intentional culling). By comparison, although it varies by figure, roughly 70% of the DAZ population is female when counting fixed gendered characters.
Oh, you made the scientist in me (40 + years) cringe and say that isn't the way statistics work!
It is is like the fashion industry where the number of people who want to make men's clothes is much smaller than the number of men and women who want to make female clothes. I suspect that, in the Daz world, the majority of people buy female characters and dress them in female clothes.
There are much more female stuff, not just cloth, but on the other hand I think it evens out, 30% of all female stuff is silly useless fantasy "armor", a pair of panties, a bra and some shoulder armor in most cases, I do not understand what people use this for, I guess it sell good as everyone is creating it, but why ?
But just get G1 or G9 and you can have them all wear everything ;).
Yep, the feminine is over represented in clothing.
In my rendering I only have males to act as foil to the females in a few images - be an oaf having rings run around them or a besotted boyf[r]iend. That way need very little variety of male clothing.
And the same is reflected in real life in my house. All the wardrobe spaces in our bedroom are the same size. I have one, my wife has three. Mine has space, my wife's is overflowing. And it's just possible I also live the part of an oaf having rings run around them or a besotted boyf[r]iend.
I am one of those with the opposite problem. My story series - which is supposed to be the reason why I'm here in the first place, no laughing - has only a handful of female characters and a vast cast of male characters. It's also set in a past time. So that's a double challenge for me. I grab anything that comes along that vaguely looks like it could be used for the purpose.
And yes, feminine clothing (particularly that of the contemporary, not-so-terribly-useful-in-a-rough-outdoor-environment genre) is vastly overrepresented. But then, tbf, I suspect that reflects what most people are doing with Daz. Daz has to keep the store open so they have to concentrate on what sells the most; I politely wait and take what they offer that interests me.
Perhaps this thread should be called "The Masochistic Zombie Horse Thread"
Without a doubt. There's a huge disparity in the amount, appeal, and overall style of women's clothing over men's.
Barbie has always been more popular than Ken.
there are more girl American Girl dolls and clothes than their few boy dolls and barely any clothes for the boys. But the 7.75 inch baby has almost no clothes at American girl except for the ones the baby comes with.
They finally got a boy Wellie Wisher, but he doesn't have much outfits available for him.
I'm suprised that you ask this question after 20 years of using the DAZ store.
Wow! It has been that long!
I swear this same question, in many variations, comes up once a week or so.
I wonder if anyone remembers the previous conversation before starting it again.
it's been flogged so much it's leather
I am just glad we are finally seeing male skimpwear, I don't buy it or female skimpwear for that matter but it's good it exists
on other things, I best not share my opinions, I have already posted too often lately

I`ve bought one male (Michael 7) and he`s just a token in my library
This, this phenomenon is in the real world too, and supply demand thing 3Diva mentioned - a lot more women getting rendered than men.
It comes up all the time here, and what I recall from a few PA's the male items just do not sell as well in general.