How to get V4 skirt to auto follow V4


   I made a very simple skirt for a client for V4.

Morphed it in ZBrush and brought the morphs in through GOZ.

Morphs work well but the skirt does not "follow" V4 when I pose her.

Can you tell me or is there a tutorial on how to get V4 clothes to conform to V4 and follow

when she is posed.  Any advice is appreciated.

Cheerio   lululee



  • Theer isn't eally a way to auto-follow leg poses, if that is what you mean. If you want to match the morphs on the character, right-click>Transfer Active Morphs (though if your imported morphs have amtching names, not just labels, they should follow automatically).

  • lululee1lululee1 Posts: 343

    Hi Richard,

      Here is a render of the skirt on V4 in both a T pose and a pose.

    The skirt should be conforming but is not.

    ( I converted it to a figure and added some ZBrush morphs.

    Can you tell me where I am going wrong.

    Cheerio   lululee

    500 x 407 - 35K
  • it needs to be rigged to V4

    since she is is a legacy figure you need to use the old Poser type rigging with the content creation tools

    there are a number of workarounds some of us use like converting V4 to weightmapping then using the transfer utility

    (don't save or use her weightmapped version just save the clothing)

  • lululee1lululee1 Posts: 343

    Hi Wendy,

    Are you saying you are converting V4 to weightmapping,

    Make a V4 weightmapped  morph,

    Then using the transfer utility you can transfer 

    That weightmapped V4 weightmapped  morph to the clothing

    Set the V4 weightmapped  morph to autofollow

    Is that the correct sequence?

    Thank you so much for taking your valuable time to help me with this.

    Cheerio   lululee

  • That isn't really going to need to do much more than follow the hip. You could add some extra bones front and back to allow the user to adjust for sharply bent thighs. but I don't think you really need to include the leg bends directly.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,624
    edited December 2024

    lululee1 said:

    Hi Wendy,

    Are you saying you are converting V4 to weightmapping,

    Make a V4 weightmapped  morph,

    Then using the transfer utility you can transfer 

    That weightmapped V4 weightmapped  morph to the clothing

    Set the V4 weightmapped  morph to autofollow

    Is that the correct sequence?

    Thank you so much for taking your valuable time to help me with this.

    Cheerio   lululee

    no, nothing to do with morphs

    bone rigging

    there is a more lot to it and I cannot explain it all 

    unless you only use dforce, clothing needs to be rigged to follow a figure's bones with it's own matching bones

    if you have never used Genesis+ I none of what I said about using the transfer utility will even make sense as it's an entirely different rigging system to V4

    the best I can do is point you to tutorials or threads about rigging

    sadly most the ones I use by Catherine were pulled by the Author so this could take a while...

    all the Google results point to her tutorials

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • all I found so far

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