Is there a 'Reflection' Ground Plain?

in The Commons
Would like to know if there is a 'Reflection Ground Plain' that when placed at the ground zero you get a mirror reflection of your scene / character placed on it.
Idealy having a variety of textures as well eg small / large tiles, wooden flooring, fine gravel maybe.
Applying a mirror preset / a very reflective material preset on a primitive plane should do the work just fine.
Not sure what you are after.
You can create a plane and make it reflect like a mirror.
But how will you combine it with textures? You could make a tile layer where it only reflects on the tiles and not the gap between the tiles.
Do you have a picture showing what you are after?
Something like this might help if you have trouble setting up plane primitives to create reflections:
It can be tricky to get surface settings to do nice reflections if you're not very familiar with the Iray surface settings, so a product like that might be helpful. :)
There are also a couple more products to choose from depending on your preferences and what exactly you're after:
I did a very quick render with a plane using one of the homestyle shaders ( Though the render is very incomlete so i can go to bed, note that refelection shines a lot of light into the face of the character...
Create a primitive Plane, setting its Metalicity to 1.0 in Surface pane will make it a specular surface (mirror). Then add any texture shader as you wish but don't set any rougness / bump / normal on it.
Thank you 'crosswind' will try this out for sure
Oh, this is fantastic, thank you '3Diva'...great links and will look through these....still a beginner with a lot to learn
This is great, thank you for taking the time to respond
Was not quite sure how to do this...still a complete noob...but thank you for replying 'Elor'
Thanks for your response 'felis'...there is plenty of information contained within this thread that is very suitable