I'm moving DAZ Studio install to 2TB SSD

in The Commons
I'd originally intended to replace the internal drive on an old notebook computer with a 2TB SSD. I finally gave up on the old notebook computer and bought a new and better notebook computer.
Now I've decided to move my DAZ Studio install over to the new 2TB SSD drive. The DAZ Studio computer is a few years old. But I don't want to replace it just yet.
Right now I've installed the 2TB SSD into an external case. I just don't want to open that old computer right now. The external SSD case is stuck to the side of the computer case with Gorilla Tape!
Ron Knights 2Tb is nothing, the SSD should be used to run the applications.
Also, you should look for the user's manual how to install/replace the internal HDD, it may not take too long to do that.
Just get a decent sized exterrnal Hard Disk to keep things smooth.
Edit: If you have the disk into a case, that is no problem, get a new exteral case and take out the disk from the old case, presto!
I've been running DAZ Studio on external hard drives since I bought a Macintosh in 2007. Then, when I switched to using a PC for DAZ Studio, I also installed on an external hard drive.
I just finished installing my main DAZ Studio content onto the (external) SSD drive. There is still 1.5TB of space left!
I left the original install files and misc stuff on the 3TB external hard drive.
I've been inside the computer before. It's an HP computer. It has an internal 1TB SSD for Windows (etc) and an internal 1TB Hard drive for data.
1 TB is noting, it should at least be 2 TB SSD NVMe onwards for windows to run faster.
if that computer has two drive bays, then is good idea to put more bigger capacity on the other bay.
Now, you have to consider if that is good idea or not.
If the computer is a bit old it will be useless for today standards.
In that case, you may need to save money to buy a new one.
I prefer desktop than Notebook computers.
a desktop is possible to upgrade the inside parts, the notebook computer has limited options and will be ddegraded over time, even thought is easy to carry around , is not so powerful like the desktop counterpart.
Well, that's my humble opinion.
This HP computer is a few years old. But I was able to load and render all of my DAZ content quickly and with no troubles. So I guesss it's not all that useless.
I don't use DAZ Studio all that much. I keep telling myself I'll get to it one day. I also use the computer to do YouTube videos.
Yes., I think about maybe buying or building a newer and more powerful computer.
But in the meantime I had some fun installing stuff on the "nothing 2TB SSD!"
My newest two computers I bought this year. One is a mini computer that is connected to a box holding multiple drives. That handles my multimedia collection.
The other new computer is an HP Notebook with some great specs. I mainly got it so I could take my computer with me when i feel like being a Road Warrior.
Congratulations on the new Notebook computer! :) I hope you have fun with it!
Hey Mr. Knights. I too have a Notebook. LG brand. I saved the SSD for computer only functions. Currently in the process of moving 6,000+ products over to an 8TB external hard drive. Using Daz Studio with it has definitely made a big difference as far as performance goes. More horsepower is always a good thing. I also use a high capacity USB drive in conjunction with the external drive. And my Notebook is about 5 years old. Plenty of life in it. Anyway enjoy the mobility you can have with it. I take mine to work. Gives me something to do on my lunch break.
3Diva & Cobalt42, thanks for your responses.
I'm circling back to the thought of "downsizing" my computer stuff.
My HP DAZ Studio computer still works ok. But the "C" drive is actually only 512GB. It's almost full.I could tinker with it a bit. Then I could give it away to a neighbor. It would be light years ahead of what many seniors would have.
I have a computer I built 3 years ago. I chose a huge computer case because I wanted the room to install whatever hardware I wanted. But it's become a pain. I could give that away as well.
Ron Knights you can keeep using your HP Daz Studio computer.
Save the documents and other data that may be of importance to you then upgrade the internal HDD instead of 512 GB get 2 TB or more and it will give you more space to work with.
A laptop/Notebook computer is only useful to carry around whenever you want, the user pays double or more just for mobility.
A Desktop computer, maybe a bit heavy, but the advantage is that is easy to maintain, removing and adding new components that will give a breathing life something the Notebook computer can't do because the limitations and the short lifespan.
There is no need to build a Desktop computer from scratch, just buy from a reputable computer store and the people working there will do a nice job after chosing what kind of components are needed, the Operating System (Windows) can be bought with the system, most people buy it with Windows Home; this is a mistake many do instead of buying a Pro version, as this is much better than the limited Home edition.
Halcon Bluesky, yeah you're right. I just need to take some time for research. If the HP DAZ Computer will take a regular SSD, I can use the 2TB SSD I bought recently. I'd use it to replace the current "C" drive for Windows and apps.
There is also a 1TB HD that I use for data. I consider that pretty light weight. I've used external hard drives for my DAZ stuff for many years,
Yes, I know the comparison between notebook and desktop computers. I like to have the gadget fit my moods or needs.
My multimedia computer is a mini computer. I like the fact that it takes up so little room, I like my new Notebook computer because it is portable!