Looking for tight compressed spaces

in The Commons
Just consulting the Daz hive mind - I'm trying to find something like the inside of a ventilation shaft, or air vent, or some other kind of very compressed space a figure needs to crouch to get through, and I'm having trouble finding anything on the store. Anyone have any suggestions?
This is as good as I've been able to find, and although it does have the sci-fi aesthetic I'm after, it's a bit more stylized and cartoony than I want: https://www.daz3d.com/lunar-science-station-air-ducts
If you can't find what you're looking for, you could put one together using Primitive Plane shapes and a metal shader. This would allow you to make it to the dimensions that would suit your scene. To lend a sci-fi look you could make some of the surfaces emissive.
Anything can be a tight space if you scale it down it enough. For example, in that product you linked to if you swap out the floor texture for one without the grill it could easily pass as a starship corridor. So you can maybe do the reverse and find a starship corridor that is close enough and then scale it down so that it's duct-size. Perhaps swap out the floor for one with a grill and stick some basic pipes underneath also.
Yeah that was my first instinct, but it need greebles etc.
I've actually just found this which is just about perfect: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/space-duct-fe30bd00ff9c469a9bb0ed71624ae94e
If I can't find anything Daz native, I might have a go at trying to convert that to Daz
People may be reluctant to make really tight spaces as they make it hard for people to place cameras (at least without using Section Planes) and lights.
Yeah that makes sense. Might have to investigate section planes.
The Sketchfab product looks nice once converted for Daz Studio. I'll see how to share the conversion if you're still interested: the licence allows it as far as I understand it.
The main difficulties was finding a way to get SubD working on it (to get smoother shadows) without too much distorsion so I tried to convert tris to quads using a Blender addon, thinking it would be better but didn't really improve the problematic parts (but I kept the converted geometry). Then I remember that I saw a video by Josh Darling explaining how to chose how Subd was applied but it took a bit of time to found the video (because he apparently has two Youtube channels and I was looking at the wrong one
) and re-learned about Subdivision weight.
Then I applied that knowledges to the most obvious problems (the walls, the facades and the valves). They are still problematic parts in the support of the pipes, maybe elsewere, but the problem on the pipes' support is barely visible in the render and if they are problems elsewhere, I didn't see them. Combined with the idea that a figure would be a better choice to make it easy to hide some parts, well, accessing the pipes' support with the geometry tool is a pita so I didn't touch them.
Gallery link: Infiltration.
Oh nice! Thanks! I ended up converting it myself. Was pretty straightforwad
Here's the render I did with it
Oh, that's nice. You just triggered my claustrophobia.
Really cool renders!