Store Sales Timers for All Sales

I had thrown a bunch of assets in my cart that were on sale. I might not normally snag them, but on sale they're worth it for me. I was taking my time perusing other assets because I didn't realize the store was about to reset the sale items. I check my cart and now everything is not on sale anymore.
Problem Statement:
The store does not provide timers for all items on sale to indicate when it's ending for them. This results in missed revenue for Dax and vendors, and increases customer frustration.
Add timers to all assets under sale or giveaway to indicate time remaining to pick up. This will not only help folks pay proper attention when they're shopping, but will also introduce FOMO as a sales incentive, which is beneficial to Dax and the vendors. It also aligns with other major stores (Unity, Unreal, etc) on how they present to and support their customers.
Moved to the Commons as it is a site, rather than a product, suggestion.