MB Allyne Question

in The Commons
I really like the look of MB Allyne for Genesis 9 Feminine, but I know others have had problems in the past with this vendor's products causing problems (I think it was that they added morphs to G9 itself, affecting all characters). Has anyone already installed her? I don't want to introduce any problems to my DS. I've never personally bought from this vendor before, but would really like to, they have some lovely characters!
I installed this character today, and so far no problems when I've used any other characters. I think one of the issues with the early work from this PA was duplicate files errors. I now have four characters from this PA and so far I haven't encountered any issues.
Oh good! Thanks for letting me know! You said you have four of their characters, I don't suppose one of them is MB Palin for Genesis 9 Feminine, is it? That's the other one I've really got my eye on.
Duplicate formula, not duplicate file. I believe all of the affected products were updated.
I have MB Palin and she's beautiful. I love MB's figures for their features and the texturing. Sometimes the bodies can be... different. Some of them seem to have permanent push-up, and their proportions can be off, but the head sculpts and skin texturing are amazing. I often pair them with MSO bodies and HD sculpts and the results are amazing! Would highly recommend getting more MB stuff!
I've only ever had the issue of other characters automatically applying their morphs to all the others with one model, and it was always weirdly 1% of the morph. Never had issues with MB stuff.
MB is one of the few vendors who, since I've encounter problems, have actually fixed them. VOOTW has not.
Thanks so much for the info! I'm glad that MB has fixed the issues, I'll be very happy to add some more of their products to my collection next good sale ^_^
And so it was VOOTW who was the other vendor that had some issues. Good to know, I would love to buy some of their figures, as well, but I had thought I had seen something about problems with them. I make plenty of my own problems with DS, I'd rather not add to them XD