install locations not highlighting
Posts: 79
Before the upgrade when i installed something with the DIM the path in the content library tab would highlight this includes updates.
ex - Daz Studio Formats -> Aaron's LIbrary -> Props -> Merlin -> Aegis
it'll highlight all the loctions that items from the install are located, it's not doing that anymore. It's really useful when there's no path descirption on the site. Thanks in advance if i missed a button.
Foldrs are not highlghted, but files are added to the new group and you can filter by that in the Smart Content>Products tab or other CMS views (group::New as i recall).
i guess i've got to get used to the new smart contact download. I like the DIM, and the path being highlighted. the example is me clicking through to it, but the DIM used to make that path blue, and it would also do the same for the other paths that were part of the item. such as the poses for the character types. The smart content panel isn't intuitive to my thought process yet :( i haven't sorted out how to move the items into my created categories. I'll have to spend more time with it.