Fit problem...

in The Commons
Does anyone know why I can't fit Genesis 2 character in Genesis 8.... It stops at 22% and then Daz3d freezes and then shut down...
can someone help me please , what could be the problem?...
Thank you in advance for your answer
I don't understand what you are trying to fit.
Can you say explicitly which items you are talking about?
I'm talking about basic characters... I've done this many times... i want a make a morph from g8 to g2 with Transfer utility
If so, with Fit Suit method, you exported G2 to OBJ, imported and rigged it on G8 (on which you dialed G2 Clone) with Transfer Utility, then it failed with a freeze and crash ?
not a G2 to G8.... I want a morpf grom G8 to G2
Yes, that's right ~ So, you just should rig G2's OBJ onto G8 as a "Suit" with Transfer Utility, then dial the morph you want on G8, export G2 Suit to OBJ file. Finally, import OBJ file onto G2 with Morph Loader Pro ~~
That's the "Fit Suit" method ...
I know what the procedure is... I wrote it at the top (if you had read it, you would know)... the problem is that when you pair the character fields, it freezes at 22% and than close the Daz3d...
I would like to know why Daz3d freezes and clos
I did read your OP... but TBH I didn't think you did it correctly so that was why I wrote the workflow again. I couldn't reproduce the freezing / crash issue with both DS 4.22 and DS 4.23 ~
1) I exported G2F as OBJ with Base Resolution, dialed G2F T-POSE Clone on G8F. Rig it with Transfer Utility as per the settings in Screenshot 1
2) It only took 2.5 seconds to complete the rigging on my side (first PoC is 72%... it was even faster in 4.23). Then I dialed a V8 on G8F... Screenshot 2
However, if your issue still persits ... see if other folks can help. Good luck !