Disappering parts when I zoom

in The Commons
When I zoom in using the left click on the magnifying glass icon, some parts of a model/object disappear like I show in the pictures, as in the preview view as 3Delight render. Could someone help me to get they don't disappear. I hope someone can help me. Thanks!

1000 x 1000 - 445K

1000 x 1000 - 540K
You were using Dolly Zoom... use right-click on the magnifying glass instead (Focal Zoom), then drag to zoom. It should be fine.
But the problem is it closes too much the camera, while the left click can show a further distance, and that's exactly like I want, but I have this disappearing problem.
With Dolly Zoom, the geometry will be cut (ss1), it's a feature so that you may see the interior... With Focal Zoom, no geometry will be cut (ss2). It's up to what you want ...
I remember in Poser there was an option for solving this issue but I don't remember which was. I thought Daz could have one too, but I see I was wrong sadly :( Anyway, thank you for your help! :)
In your pictures, you aren't zooming the camera lens. You are moving the actual camera into the mesh. The part that is disappearing is actually behind the camera, so that's why you are seeing the inside of the arm. This isn't a bug or anything. If you want to see the whole hand, the camera needs to stay back far enough beyond the figure and then you have to adjust the lens settings for the actual camera you are looking through. Be sure to make a new camera if you are using the perspective view. You have to be able to select the camera in the scene tab to access lens settings in the cameras tab.
That's why it's called Dolly Zoom as the camera is dollied, i.e its Translations are changed, so anything at the camera lens plane will be "cut out".
Focal Zoom only changes Focal Length, so the view in frame is different from Dolly Zoom, just like you manually tweak FL with a DSLR ~~