Premier Character Bundles Feedback

in The Commons
I'm going to be very honest and pretty blunt.
1. The selection of Character Bundles that are available sucks.
Maybe it's because I'm impatient and was hoping to see Kaede 9 in there at some point, and/or Tara 9's Succubus Addon bundle.
2. It would be good to see which bundles were available before someone subscribes to Premier - Because I wouldn't have.
Other than that...
I highly doubt they're going to add addon bundles in the premier character selection. They only offer the base character bundles.
If you're interested in getting Tara's succubus addon and already own Tara herself, I really recommend you wait until they offer the discounted pro bundle again. Buy it if you'll only pay for the missing items. Tara character bundle + succubus addon bundle was actually more expensive than the pro bundle when they first introduced the freebie premier bundles. The pro bundle even got more items.
To check for the available bundles, go to
Take note the offered bundles change without any notice. They add-remove Toon Vicky at least three times now. No one really knows what bundles they're going to add unless you have insider info. The only guaranteed(?) character bundle is the newest figure they release (eg. Mateo). Seasonal characters get added (eg. Nikolai for Christmas) and removed (eg. Lycan for Halloween).
I really don't like how the bundles disappear without notice. I had planned on picking up Lycan the very day it was removed. Also there are fewer bundles offered now. IIRC, there were 10 when Vicky 9 was released. Currently, there are only 8 total after Lycan, Pixie, & Lawrence were removed. Of those left, I have 6 to choose from, since Lahr was my November free bundle and I bought Minerva's Christmas bundle at 90% off about the same time.
A minor annoyance with the free character bundles is that I haven't seen one yet where I like more than the character and 1 or 2 other items. On the other hand, most G9 core figures cost way more than the $19 Premier fee, even when they go on sale. So I still come out ahead even if I only use the character.
The selection has felt too limited for me (someone who already has almost every core figure from past purchases). I'd be happier if the post-Premier figures stuck around longer on the list, otherwise there's little incentive to consider the bundle a perk rather than a take it or lose it.
Currently, there's nothing in the list that I don't already have and releases are too few and far between to refresh the options. When offering a new membership perk like this, I would've expected more front-loading of DO releases in the first few months to set a good foundation and momentum.
In other news, I picked up Prime membership elsewhere and used it to build a big cart of characters. Didn't foresee doing that a few months ago, but while Daz has more content, I've never purchased from that other store and had a lot of options. And now I've got a year's worth of discounts incoming from there to tempt me to spend there instead.
I also purchase semi-frequently from other places, and some character artists are more prolific and, in my opinion, have greater diversity in their characters than I've been feeling from Daz Originals. And for all the new artists that have arrived to Daz too, I'm feeling that the content I'm interested in here is shrinking.
As it is, it doesn't seem like I'll be missing out on much when my Premier expires next month. I'm feeling super comfortable with not being Premier when I'm struggling to pick out content I like at prices I'll pay. And if I'm not Premier, the gap between what I'll pay and what I'm offered will only grow. Maybe I'm simply not Daz's target customer any longer.
I agree with others. Offerings are slim. Right now, you can get white girls, old and/or fat white men, or a doughy looking latin chef or Lion-O. Just need a Sword of Omens! Offering Tara 9 without the addon is cheap-cheap-cheap-cheap and a big let-down. In fact, I'm likely to just buy the addon for its demonic goodness and Tara 9 can be the first Tara demon girl I don't have until the Pro Bundle pops up for pocket change. I already have several succubi, more wings than I can flap, and so on. Some people like their fairies squeedy, thin and underage. I like mine full-grown and devilish. I may end up getting Lahr just because. Is render time lengthy with all that fur? That would be a problem! Any assistance appreciated!
I got the Lars the Lion 1st but it looks like I should of got Lycan the Wolfman first as he's gone and Lars the Lion is still around. I not sure which I will get next from the current choices. I sort of prefer, in many cases, the add-on bundles instead that are having the generally utilizable products like uniforms for stewardesses, pilots, cops, firemen, and doctors.
It seems like they're taking all the old pro bundles and creating character bundles out of them but new characters like Mateo and Ashley are introduced as character bundles. Maybe going forward there won't be any more pro-bundles? For those of us who are pre-paid Daz+ waiting till our subscriptions expire, this may be a good thing if we decide to go Premier later because there will be more character bundles to choose from. The only character bundles I purchased were Toon Vicky and Mickey and probably won't purchase any more (unless they are FilaToon maybe) because they will either be cheaper later or I may eventually join Premier. But I'm still bummed they made Aiko 9 a temporary character only for use while being premiere. I definitely would have purchased an Aiko 9 character bundle or just Aiko 9. They wasted a popular character I think.
So is the lion excessively render intensive? Will it make my mundane 3060 cry out in pain?
We've been blessed with another thin, young white woman. Be still my heart.
The selection of bundles is restricted. There are currently 9 to choose from: Sylvia, Mateo, Tara, Walter, Calypso, Lahr, Nikolai and Minerva. Sylvia was added this morning. Of those, I'm bobbling between Mateo and Lahr. I like Lahr because he's quite different. I don't think I'd like him at render time, though. I like Mateo because he seems like the guy who should have been included in the that I somehow scored for $3.99 on a flash sale. The actual Caldwell figure is not much of a leading man and seems like he should be a general or a maître d' at a fancy restaurant - . But Mateo comes with medical scrubs and a chef outfit. Really? Ugh. These character bundles are a mixed bag - That's true for all of them!
For me it's between Sylvia and Mateo. I think Sylvia is the more unique character (I really like the shape of her face- nothing generic there). Mateo comes with accessories that are far more useful to me. It's going to be a tough call...
Definitely Sylvia. I waited till the end of the month and banked on the idea of a NEW character I liked being offered with the coupon. She did not disappoint either. A dyrad form? Green skin and different eyes? That one gives me she-hulk vibes. I love it!
I probably spent a total of $5 during this sale, but I have no regrets about keeping my Premier membership with the coupons and free bundle it offers. A brand new figure with the HD morph and various other things I may or may not use (THANK YOU for including scabbards with those swords btw), plus two coupons, one of which I'll certainly use each month and an occasional extra random coupon? People will really complain about anything, even on Christmas.
@y3kman Thank you for the link. That's what I was looking for.
@Torquinox I would've liked Niketa the Lioness. Although it didn't occur to me that it could be a drain on RAM. As for succubi, I don't think you can have too many - A bit like vampires.
Tbh, I've only returned to Daz since the last Daz+/Premier sale. Vet bills got in the way, so I haven't had a chance to build my G9 library. Plus, like vet bills, Daz is expensive. The last +/Premier helped alleviate some of that, where I managed to pick up some G9 bundles.
Isn't Sylvia a Sister of Battle, or do all crusaders look alike? ^^' A dryad bundle would've been different. But, it is what it is (as they say).
I probably need to see a doctor since I find her face similar to Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3.
Oh, I think this one is quite different and unique. She has moved to the top of my January list.
A 3060 should handle Lars the Lion fine but careful with the number of (some of the) OOT hairs in your render.
Maybe I'm the odd one here. Other people seem to like Sylvia and I don't.
Thanks for the info about the lion. Very helpful. I put him in the cart!
Rendering hair or fur for the lions and other fuzzy folk can be resource intensive. It's always something!
i agree in principle on succubi and vampires. In practice, my inn is pretty full.
I find vet bills and pet meds cost me a lot more than Daz. Sorry vet bills are plaguing you. That's no fun!
I do not know about sisters of battle.AFAIK, The crusaders were Christian and wore the cross on their tabards. Probably someone around here has real expertise on that.
The armor feels like a nod to Warhammer 40K's armor design.
Could be. I found WH40K Sisters of Battle promo videos online. The hair style was oddly familiar, a lot like the one in the character bundle. If the armor and weapons had been more blatantly inspired, I might be more interested - If it were a sci fi thing. And you're right! They allude to that in the promo art on the sale page. But! the actual product is swords and the Daz sorcery that allows thin cloth to protect a woman's sternum, not sci fi or tech fantasy or whatever one wants to call it. Not that long ago, I visited an arms and armor museum and took a lot of pictures. I can only say, real armor doesn't look like that. And of course, it's another suit of armor with no helm or helmet.
I haven't done any renders in the fantasy theme, yet I'm still drawn to the Sylvia character. The far more practical choice for me would be Mateo, with his more contemporary assets, which would be useful to me... but Sylvia keeps calling...
Agreed on all counts. I am happy with my new Sylvia bundle as well as the free Nikolai Christmas bundle and the green skin, which was my buy in for St. Nik. More than makes up for the Advent days that were disappointing (not all of them by any means!)
Please wish me luck getting these downloaded - our rural area has the slowest DSL in the multiverse and it's been worse than usual this week.
Mateo is the more useful figure, IMO. His outfits are boring, though. Not really stretching anyone's skills making those, not really excited about seeing any characters wear them.
Sylvia's druidic enchantments will help you download them faster! Somehow the power of nature will help technology. It's the only way-the Sylvia way.
Sorry, just saw this now. Did you get it downloaded?
I didn't even know about the free Nikolai Xmas bundle, these sales have become so confusing lately that sometimes I don't even try to figure them out.
Not yet, SnowSultan*, because the past week has been super busy, at home & work. But it's (& a bunch of other downloads & art) on today's To Do list! Will report back.**
@OrangeFalcon, as an avid fantasy reader & D&D player for a half century, this will be easy advice for me to follow.
*I've been meaning to tell you I love the user name for quite a while.
**"Sign up for new Fiber Optic internet service offered by electric co-operative!" is at the top of our New Year's Resolutions
Thank you, it's just something I came up with on the fly when I was staring at the prompt to create a user name at Renderosity 25 years ago. ;) A family friend was calling me "sultan" all the time after a movie we had recently watched, and I had also just built a big snowman with a visiting international friend, so those kinda merged into that name. Now I think more people call me Snow than my real name. :) Hope you get that huge file downloaded and Happy New Year!
As I am not interested in G9 figures (and because of that G9 Hair etc what can't be used on G8, which includes some G9 dForce clothes, which just don't seem to dForce properly when fit to G8) and already got the small Santa.. sorry, Nikolai bundle, there's nothing much with the figures left for me...
So I hope 'til the 23rd (when my Premier ends) there shows up some figure with some stuff that can be used for G8, too
@maikdecker It seems like the Premier program is designed to push new figures - recent G9s packed into Character Bundles. I'd be surprised if we get anything for G8.
I don't expect any G8 FIGURES from it... just maybe some figure pack with ITEMS to use with G8
Could even live with poses, as they convert quite nice. Or dForce clothes, that do dForce properly when fit to G8.
Won't bother with G9 figures until there's a "transfer figure to G8" option/product...
That makes sense. Hope you find what you seek.