About dForce AK Fashionable Short Hair, and some others hairs textures

WhenI apply a texture onto the hair, it still lookds all white. WhenI celectit in both the scene tab and the surfaces tab then apply the default DAZ shader, nothing changes. Is there a way to see what it wouild look like in the main view window like I can with other hairs, especially ones made for G8? Image 1 is what I'm asking about. Image 2 is an example of how I can see it without having to render. 99% of my creations are never rendered. I don't like waiting for it to render. I love the creation process, so seeing it unrendered and what the scene looks like is more important to me than a rendered image.

short hair.jpg
452 x 412 - 35K

buzz hair.jpg
613 x 644 - 59K
Post edited by Boorsman on
Strand-based hairs don't show texture in the viewport. Try a render.