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Camera or view? By design the Perspective (and other) view is not tracked for undo - and is not remembered between sessions.
FYI Perspective view does track undo when using a SpaceMouse
That is strange - the views are meant not to track, so that you can use them to move around the item you are working on and not have to undo a whoile lot of view changes if you want to undo the last change made to the current object being edited.
Actually this happens really often, Richard.
I get that bug every day.
I also recently saw it tracking the Perspective View on the timeline. It didn't show Perspective View or any keyframes for it. but when I moved the Persoective view, that movement got played back when I played the timeline. I was doing timeline dForce simulation, not creating an animation to render.
Memorizing & restoring poses/shapes seems a lot snappier in this version, good update. Now if only creating keys could be sped up!
(or general qol fixes to working with animations and timeline) ..
i see some problem with my rendering few month
i was render a scene 5 to 6 second and first 2 mean 40 to 50 frame was render in good time like 2 minuts but after 50 frame rendering was to slow like one frame render time is 15 to 60 minuts and before rendering my processor used like 20 to 30 percentand gpu used 80 or 90 percent but after 51 frame processor goes to 100 percent and gpu down to 1 percent please help me solve my issue
i have 3070 and processor intel i52400f 512gb nvme adata legend ssd 32gb 3200 ram
Which nVida driver?
This latest version crashes every time I close it.
Updating drivers seems to have fixed the crash on exit... but what has happened to Emissive Surfaces? They no longer throw light... they just glow?
/Edit again
I don't what was going on, but all the weirdness seems to have subsided. I hope
And thanks for finally dealing with my ticket about the default HDRI. Lost so many rendering hours to that PITA thing.
Regarding this, it would be nice if we could exclude some items from the undo history.
I use the "real Cameras" for a lot of just navigating and posing etc, and that of course pollutes the undo history. I do it mainly as with cameras i can have DOF and other effects in "real time" without the need to swap around.
Alternatively i suppose if the Perspective view could support all the camera settings would be cool as well. Update and Merge menus wiped out my Bookmarks and Scripts menus.
Why does this happen? How can I prevent it?
I restored the menus by loading my saved workspace. Parameters pane has some Show Documentation... menu entries that only lead to Page Not Found for URL
Via script it can, I think (cetainly most are, I haven't tried DoF though).
See (which I frequently, but not always, forget to mention)
AutoSave may/should have stored the layout files, comparing the before and after may help to idnetify the cause.
This is a WIP
Are you talking about the new AutoSave that is added for Premier members? I have Daz+, but not Premier. Or are you taking about some other AutoSave?
What before and after should I compare? Are you referring to specific files I should compare?
I don't see anything in the referenced highlights that I can relate to this particular menu item, but I'll take your word that it is a WIP and not a lingering error. Thanks for the explanation.
What I got is a Permission Denied... and I'm not able to log in
That was a hint/suggestion passed on - but I think it did mean the Premier feature. DS does make a back-up when saving the session layout, but it is only temporary.
Oh, really, i have to look into that. I just got into scripting for the heck of it. Ty for info.
That problem has happened intermittently for years. So I am back to "Why does it happen, and how can I prevent it." Don't the developers know what causes menus to get wiped out by Update and Merge? It's really a problem.
Looking in the Daz log file immediately after Update and Merge Menus, I see these errors:
Does this help someone figure out what failed?
This actually seems to work, even DoF is there.
I must say i am a bit confused with the purpose of these proxy nodes - what is the general use case behind them?
They allow the creation of remote-control nodes, items in the scene that can be used to control properties on other item(s) (ERC links work only within an item if they are to be saved) and they can also do thinks like making material properties (not animatable in themselves) aniamtable by linking them to regular, aniamtable node properties.
That may well help, yes - issues like this can be hard to pin down without specifics since they are not a simple "everyone with these settings/tools/options gets this bad outcome" thing.
I found the culprit by digging through the Menus in the F3 Customize window. I finally found one of those ??GUID entries in a Scripts submenu. I deleted it and accepted the change. Now the Update and Merge Menus completes successfully (or at least it didn't delete the contents of Scripts and Bookmarks this time). Wiping out a user's menus is harsh treatment. I have saved layouts to recover from, but not everyone knows to do that.
I BEG for more graceful handling of this situation with the ??GUID entries. Please!
I am sure it is not meant to handle these cases in this way, and now that you have exposed the issue (thank you) it will be on the radar as a bug in some form.
That's great! That problem has been a thorn in my side, intermittently, for years.
Camera. I don't know why or when bug decides to trigger, but when it does, undo stack stops registering random inputs on characters/objects. It sometimes does it after creating a keyframe on character in junction with a recent camera movement (actual camera object).