SKU:72225 issue

in The Commons
I didn't find how to report about packages issues, so I'm posting the info here. Maybe someone could send this info to the dev.
Z Cigarette Break Props and Poses for Genesis 8
Z CIG 37 Cigarette Match Box and Match G8M pose has wrong picture. And this pose is absent on the promo images on the product's page.
Report product issues here as Technical issues (not Sales issues). This link to the Help Center is at the bottom of every page, in the (big space wasting
) black banner. Posting in the forum will not get the attention of Daz employees. Be aware that the Help Center performance is really poor these days. Don't get your hopes too high for a resolution to the problem.
As I have this product too I can confirm that the image does not match the pose so there is an error there.
You'll need to raise a ticket as Barbult has said. Highly unlikely that this forum post will be seen by the PA unless you edit your first post and change the title to be more useful - something like "Incorrect pose thumbnail in Z Cigarette Break Props and Poses for Genesis 8". I am not a PA but pretty sure they won't immediately see an SKU and know that this is their product - putting the product name in the title will mean there is more chance that they see the thread in the list if they happen to be browsing the forums.
EDIT: Pretty sure that the pose that the item makes is the Male one in the top-centre of the first "list of poses promo image" but in Daz has a copy of the thumbnail for "Z CIG 34 Cigarette and Ashtray G8M"