Determining Geoshell Hidden Facets [RESOLVED]

TheMysteryIsThePointTheMysteryIsThePoint Posts: 3,020

Hi All,

Does anyone know how to determine which of a GeoShel's facets are hidden and should not be exported? I couldn't find anything in the C++ docs that looks promising.

In the JSON, I found some data that seemed to match the GeoShell's options in the DAZ Studio GUI, i.e. a boolean that defines the visibility by material zone and by face group, but changing the values in DAZ Studio does not affect the values in the scene's .duf file. After I set some values to "off" in the GUI and save the scene, the values in the .duf file are all still "on", that is, true. I have no idea what is going on.

Can anyone provide a nudge in the right direction?


Post edited by TheMysteryIsThePoint on


  • OmnifluxOmniflux Posts: 386

    Try the scripting methods added to DzGeometryShellNode in If they do what you are looking for, you should be able to call them through a QMetaObject as I describe in this thread: Daz SDK vs Daz Script method availability


    If I recall correctly, these properties are always saved with their default state (true) in the duf file, but may load disabled by editing the value to false outside of DS.

  • Omniflux said:

    Try the scripting methods added to DzGeometryShellNode in If they do what you are looking for, you should be able to call them through a QMetaObject as I describe in this thread: Daz SDK vs Daz Script method availability


    If I recall correctly, these properties are always saved with their default state (true) in the duf file, but may load disabled by editing the value to false outside of DS.

    Thanks, @Omniflux

    With your insights, I think I figured it out. I wrote the DAZ Script to dump some JSON describing all the visibilities. Now I'll work out calling it from C++, which I think I see how to do.

    Thanks for the Christmas present :)


  • Hope this helps others: There doesn't appear to be a C++ exposed method or technique to do this, rather a DAZ Script API. Luckily, calling a Script from C++ is simple. I think the code @Omniflux pointed to was part of his more sophisticated asynchronous execution model. If, as in my case, a simple synchronous call is sufficient, something like this works:

    QString DAZ::getGeoshellVisibilityJSON() {

        static const QString source = "function getCurrentShape( node ) {\n\tvar object = node.getObject();\n\tif ( !object ) return null;\n\t\n\tvar currentShape = object.getCurrentShape();\n\tif ( !currentShape ) return null;\n\treturn currentShape;\n}\nfunction getFacetMesh( currentShape ) {\n\tvar geometry = currentShape.getGeometry();\n\tif ( !geometry ) return null;\n\tif( !geometry.inherits(\"DzFacetMesh\") ) return null;\n\treturn geometry;\n};\nfunction generateJSON( data )\n{\n    // Qt-specific JSON stringifier\n    function qtStringify(obj)\n    {\n        if (obj === null)\n        {\n            return \"null\";\n        }\n        \n        if (typeof obj === \"object\")\n        {\n            // Handle arrays\n            if (obj.constructor === Array)\n            {\n                var items = new Array();\n                for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i)\n                {\n                    items.push(qtStringify(obj[i]));\n                }\n                return \"[\" + items.join(\",\") + \"]\";\n            }\n            // Handle objects\n            else\n            {\n                var items = new Array();\n                for (var key in obj)\n                {\n                    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))\n                    {\n                        items.push('\"' + key + '\":' + qtStringify(obj[key]));\n                    }\n                }\n                return \"{\" + items.join(\",\") + \"}\";\n            }\n        }\n        \n        // Handle primitives\n        if (typeof obj === \"string\")\n        {\n            return '\"' + obj + '\"';\n        }\n        \n        return String(obj);\n    }\n    \n    return qtStringify(data);\n}\nfunction modelVisibility() {\n        \n    var data = new Array();\n    nodeCount = Scene.getNumNodes();\n    for ( i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++ ) {\n        var node = Scene.getNode(i);\n        if ( node.inherits( \"DzGeometryShellNode\" ) ) {\n            \n            currentShape = getCurrentShape( node );\n            if ( currentShape ) {\n                var label = node.getLabel();\n                fm = getFacetMesh( currentShape );\n                if ( fm ) {\n                    var obj = new Object();\n                    obj.label = label;\n                    obj.materials = new Array();\n                    obj.face_groups = new Array();\n                    var materialsCount = currentShape.getNumMaterials();\n                    for (j = 0; j < materialsCount; j++ ) {\n                        var materialName = currentShape.getMaterial( j ).getName();\n                        var control = node.findMaterialGroupVisibilityControl( materialName );\n                        var visible = control.getValue();\n                        obj.materials.push( { name: materialName, value: visible });\n            \n                    }\t\t\n                    var targetNode = node.getTarget();\n                    var targetFacetMesh = getFacetMesh( getCurrentShape( targetNode ) );\n                    var faceGroupCount = targetFacetMesh.getNumFaceGroups();\n                    for ( j = 0; j < faceGroupCount; j++ ) {\n                        var groupName = targetFacetMesh.getFaceGroup( j ).getName();\n                        var control = node.findFacetGroupVisibilityControl( groupName );\n                        var visible = control.getValue();\n                        obj.face_groups.push( { name: groupName, value: visible });\n                    }\n                    data.push( obj );\n                                \n                }\n            }\n        }\n        \n    }\n    return data;\n}\nfunction doIt() {\n    var data = modelVisibility();\n    var json = generateJSON( data );\n    return json;\n}";

        DzScript script;

        QVariantList args;
        if ("doIt", args)) {

            auto result = script.result();
            auto json = result.toString();

            return json;

        else {

            throw std::runtime_error( "couldn't call geoshell visibility script" );



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